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Monday, February 26, 2007

Stupid Shots

Today I had that dreaded exam - the yearly physical.. now if you're a girl, you know why it's so dreaded (PAP Smear anyone?) and if you're a guy... well, count your blessings and be sympathetic when your significant other/family member/friend complains about them. Be happy you're not her. Okay, so they're not that horrible..just uncomfortable.

While at this wonderful doctor's visit, I learned that it's been 10 years since my last tetanus. Only now the CDC is recommending people to get a booster of tetanus, diptheria and pertussis (also known as whooping cough), just once. I agreed and got the shot, which at the time was painless. Ah...but then the side effects started setting in... though these don't happen to all who get it, apparantly I'm one of the lucky few! Here are my fun side effects:

1. Fatigue - I was awake when I got to the doctor's office and afterwards until about an hour had gone by... I was sitting in class and I noticed, just how sleepy I was becoming. At first I thought it was just class - I tend to get tired in that class, but usually after class I wake up and am fine again. Today I'm still tired. I just want to lay down and sleep for like 2 hours. Or maybe 3 hours. Instead, I get to go to work! yay! (note sarcasm)

2. Slight fever - yep, this can produce a slight fever. Apparantly my body doesn't like being injected with dead viruses - imagine that? They told me this could happen and to take a tylenol if it does. So I took a tylenol a little while ago. It's not a high fever or anything bad, but just enough of one.

3. Pain - my. whole. arm. hurts. this is normal after a tetanus shot though.

Stupid shot... The slight fever and the pain isn't bad..but I'm really really tired, which sucks because I have to go to work today for 7 hours and do a job that is already boring.

I really need to wake up nowwwwwwzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

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