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Friday, February 23, 2007

Snow and Brokenness

According to our local weather man, we are in for about 6 inches of snow fall over the next 24 hour time period. This is really nothing compared to Minnesota, who is supposed to get a foot of snow or so in the next 24 hours, it is cause for celebration here. Or at least I'm celebrating. Why? Cause we've only gotten about 3 - 5 inches of snow this entire season! And I've been saying all week, "All that needs to happen is for the temperature to drop five or ten degrees (into the 20's) and there to be a snow storm!" And it looks like God is going to give me a snow storm.

With that said, I'm a bit unsure of my weekend plans. I'm supposed to go to the zoo on Saturday and Sunday, but Saturday is the day we're supposed to have the storm. Plus it's windy and there may be a lot of blowing snow. So we'll have to see what happens. I may not be going on Saturday. Or I may end up staying down there this weekend....

And the other news today is that my computer sucks and is relatively broken. It doesn't recognize that it's plugged in all the time, so I'm going to have to have it fixed. I'm going to call a place this morning after class and hopefully they can fix it for cheap. It did this in Germany too and I got it fixed for 20 euros, so hopefully it'll be a similar price here. And hopefully it'll last another six to eight months. Maybe sometime in 2008 I'll be able to buy a new one (yeah, right) but for now I just want this one to survive. If it's unfixable I don't know what I'll do - my fiance and I talk on my computer because we can't afford to talk on phones all the time. And we can't talk on the University's computers that way. At the same time I can't really afford a new computer. Though if I did have to get a new one, I would get a nice but cheaper desk top instead of a lap top. I love my lap top but they're more expensive. And my fiance has a lap top, so two aren't needed (when he eventually comes here to stay). We'll have to see what happens. Hopefully I can get it fixed for cheap.

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