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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sleep Schmeep

Hello and good morning! Welcome to my humble blog world this morning, how are you? Did you get enough rest? Eat a good breakfast? Watch your favorite morning news? Check your daily internet stuff? Good good. Now sit back, cause you'll never guess what I did this morning.

Remember all the way back to this entry? Well, the Pracs fiasco didn't work out to well, and a few weeks ago I finally did go to our gym and schedule a fitness evaluation and personal training sessions. This is now my third week, and unfortunately they have yet to call me to set up my fitness evaluation. I called there at the end of last week and the woman said that the trainers are behind, what with all the special new year plans going on, but that they'd call me. So, I've been waiting.... but my body this week has been screaming at me, "Go to the gym! I need to workout!" and this morning I (drum roll please) finally went!

I set my alarm for 5:30 in the morning last night, not promising myself I'd go. I simply set my alarm and decided to decide in the morning. Well 5:30 rolled around and I was T.I.R.E.D. So tired that I reset my alarm for 7:30 - working out is unimportant. Then this tiny voice in my head started screaming "I want to workout! If you never go, you'll never know if you like going this early! You can at least try! Lazy! Get out of bed!" I tried telling it to shut up... but it wouldn't listen. It just kept telling me if you never try it out, you'll never know. Okay okay...I got out of bed.

I ate a nice breakfast of multigrain cheerios w/2% milk (cause 1% is blue and not normal), drank some water and threw on my workout clothes (which included those nice shoes, and track pants I got from wal-mart for 5 dollars) and headed to my car. The great thing about working out so early is that parking is free at our gym. After arriving, I checked in at the front desk and headed to an elliptical. Here's what I did:

30 minutes total cardio -
* 10 minute warm up @ 3.9 miles per hour
* Alternated 2 minute jog @ 5.0 miles per hour with 2 minute walk at 3.9 miles per hour
* 10 minute cool down @ 3.9 miles per hour (and slowly decreasing speed to 0)

Then I realized how much my body is screaming at me for good fruit and vegetables, and went to the grocery store. I bought bananas, lettuce, grapes, peanuts, yogurt, orange juice, and a green pepper. I went over my budget this month of $40.00 for groceries by about 5 dollars, but I need the healthy food. And besides, the month is nearly over and I'm still going to be under $50 for the month, so I'm happy. :)

The downside? I'm still tired and not as energized as I expected. But if I keep this up, I will be eventually. I hope. I'll start with strength training just as soon as they call me for that personal trainng time.

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