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Saturday, February 24, 2007

I done good.

I must say that today, I am proud of myself. I was originally supposed to be working at the zoo today, however the threat of a lot of snow made the on call keeper for the weekend decide that I was best to stay put at college instead of traveling an hour one way to the zoo, only to have the weather possibly turn out pretty bad today. So stay here I did, determined to work hard on homework all day and make the most of my time. Sadly our "snow storm" hasn't turned out to be as exciting as I thought (a whole 2 inches or so is all we have so far), however my homework day has turned out quite successful.

It has taken me all day long, however I was able to write the first 6 pages of my senior project for International Studies today. This may seem not so good, but considering that I was forced to do research while writing, I am quite proud of my accomplishment. This means that the first two sections of my five section paper are complete! And I still have until the end of March to complete it! * does a little dance * I finally feel like I've gotten somewhere in it, and if I do just a few paragraphs a day, I shouldn't have any problems at all in meeting the deadline. The next sections will also be easier, due to the fact that I have more research already completed for them, and so will spend less time researching instead of writing.

Okay, so I shouldn't celebrate too early, since I have several hours left of homework that I want to accomplish tonight, but I feel energized and able to do it! :) And it feels nice to be "caught up" with things, especially considering the weather will be good enough for me to go the zoo tomorrow (I'm pretty sure).

In other news, my thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of the zoo keeper from the Denver zoo who was killed by a jaguar. I don't know any details, but it is a sad reminder of the dangers of the profession. To add to the tragity the jaguar needed to be killed as well.

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