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Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's Here!!!

My new computer is here and it is very pretty. It has a Windows Vista system on it, and while it seems sort of weird right now, but I'm sure it'll grow on me even more! :)

As I sit here typing this we are 45 minutes away from there being a blizzard. Or we're at least 45 minutes away from being in a blizzard warning. We've gotten eight or more inches already in the last 24 hours and are expecting just as much in the next 24 hours, plus the wind is picking up tonight too... it'll make for great conditions - well, great for those of us who get school canceled tomorrow. I don't know yet if that includes me, but a girl can hope.

One of the things I like about Vista is the sidebar on the desktop. It is customizable and I have it including the local weather, a calender, and a notepad. On the notepad I can write myself a little note - right now it says "Cell Bio!!!!" so I don't forget to finish my cell biology homework tomorrow if we have school or this weekend if we don't have school.

My computer was definitely worth the money that I paid for it. It's pretty. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brad wants to know all the details about your pretty computer...he doesn't care what it looks like, he wants to know what is in it. SO if you find time, my husband wants to know about your computer...

It is so fun getting new things!