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Saturday, March 31, 2007

So Yesterday...

... after the first e-mail I sent to a teacher asking for advice on our project to make sure I was on the right track, I complained that his reply was "that's what your assignment is." So I e-mailed him again, asking if he could let me know if I was on the right track for a couple of examples I gave him. I didn't want him to say "Yes, those are perfect!" more like "Yes, you have the right ideas, but keep reading and everything." Is that really so much to ask?

Well, apparantly it is since the first line in his reply was "You seem to be missing the anthropology boat," followed later by "You are not the only non-anthropology major in this class who has to re-read everything multiple times," and still later by "I know you can do this and the satisfaction at having done it on your own will be great in the end." Okay, seriously? I'm still doing it on my own..all I wanted was a teeny-tiny bit of advice from you to make sure I'm not completely in left field. Call me crazy, but somehow I don't think asking for a little advice means that I'm missing the "anthropology boat" or trying to just make you do my assignment. And believe it or not, I wasn't complaining about being a non-anthropology major or asking for special attention because this isn't my primary field. All I meant when I added that in my e-mail was that this type of stuff is harder for me than my normal stuff (I'd much rather do biology) and that was why I was e-mailing him - because I was confused. Aren't we supposed to ask for help when we're confused? I wasn't asking for special attention or complaining that I have it worse than anyone else, because I don't.

Okay, I'm done now. It just annoyed me that I more or less got yelled at for asking for his help because I am confused and that in so doing I was told that I'm "missing the anthropology boat." Way to go, making someone who already feels out of place in that class feel even more out of place. Way to be a good instructor. He couldn't have simply said, "You seem to be a little confused" ???? I just can't wait until that class is over. I've tried liking it, I really have..but it hasn't worked. On the last day of class when we turn in our assignment the plan is to go out to dinner together as a class (there's 12 of us). Call me anti-social but I really hope it's not mandatory, cause I don't want to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally understand where you are coming from. Some people are good teachers and other suck at being teachers! I have had the same problem now and again with NAU. You email them a question (I am DL) and then get some glossy answer that isn't an answer at all! Currently both my teachers are really good about helping which is good since I am taking Quanitive Analysis and can even re-submit homework if we were "in left field".