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Friday, March 02, 2007

100th Post - Blizzard, Schmizzard

35 mile per hour winds sustained for three hours or more is the official definition of a blizzard. Such high winds cause snow to blow around, making visibility poor - especially in open areas. Add that to still falling snow and accumulations in the last week around 2 feet in some areas, and that my friends is what Fargo, North Dakota looks like on this first Friday in March.

The bad weather conditions have caused all area schools to close down for the day and for the officials to advise no travel in North Dakota or to the twin cities in Minnesota. Despite all of this, my college has not closed and is in full operation today.

Of course, this is the school that has still had class despite -50 degree temperatures and has only closed down for a full day once in the last three and a half years. That time the snow was so bad that the interstates were closed down.

Call me crazy, but isn't a blizzard a good enough reason to cancel school for one day of the year?

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