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Sunday, March 18, 2007


Yesterday was my third day this week of work at the zoo, which I enjoyed. I worked with someone who once was the lead keeper and I got the chance to learn a lot of new things about my job.

She spent the entire day working in what we call the Jensen Center, making it really clean - which I don't mind at all. I did most everything else, and it worked for us yesterday. Of course the only down side is that today I am exhausted. Even more exhausted than usual. I just want to sleep for another three hours....

Tomorrow I go in to have the styes on my lower inner eyelid removed. :( I'm happy to get them gone finally (they're sort of annoying) but the idea of anyone doing something so close to my eye makes me slightly worried.

And now off I go to not fall asleep as I drive to work this morning. Wish me luck.

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