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Wednesday, March 21, 2007


After many days of long hours spent sitting in front of my computer, with cramped legs/hips/knees, and a butt which is crying out for relief from my uncomfortable chair - the end of my research project on Animal Experimentation Across Cultures is in sight!!!!!!!

* does a happy dance *

I got off of work early again tonight in order to work on it, and I must say that it was a smart decision! Tonight I finished the section on the use of animals in experiments in Britain (starting in 1822 and going all the way until the present!), and got done with over half of the section on the United States. Unlike Britain Americans were slow getting their butts in motion on the subject of animal experimentation. Starting in 1866 there were several organizations that were founded to fight against animal experimentation, but nothing major happened on the anti-animal experiment stage until the 1940's... that made for some very easy and quick writing! Which makes me happy, after all the details that had to go into Britian.

I am now on the section writing about the Animal Welfare Law and the subsequent amendments in the United States, which will lead me up to present times just about. If all goes well in the morning, I think I can have my paper finished by tomorrow night... or at least the rough draft portion of it. Hopefully I'll get it mostly done tomorrow before class. After class I have to go get my car fixed and will study for my two quizzes on Friday. If I have my paper mostly done in the morning, I can finish it up in the evening between studying for other things. And if I get it done on Thursday than I can finally take a few days break from this stupid computer chair and computer!!!!!

Of course, I still have gobs of other homework and research I need to get done during my "break" from this project over the weekend... but it'll be nice to not think about this paper for a few days. Especially considering I've thought of nothing else ALL.WEEK.LONG. I'm a little "animal experimented out." Then next week I can proofread it by Thursday and turn it in on Friday!

I'm so happy!

But I better get off to bed now, so I can get up early in the morning and work on it. I'd really like to get it done tomorrow.

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