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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Excercise = Energy!!

Today was my second, and last day with a personal trainer at our on campus gym. On the one hand I'm happy to see the end of it and excited to start "owning" my own work out session (i.e. not having someone watch over me) but on the other hand I'm scared because we only ran through my leg work out today and I have never done half of the upper body ones. Granted this is my own choice, because I only bought two sessions with the trainer and there's always someone around I can ask... but still. My first day on arms (Thursday) should be interesting.

On the bright side though, I feel wonderfully energized! :) Today we did my lower body, along with some abs and then I did half an hour on a bike and I don't feel tired or shaky, but energized. I feel like I could go jog a mile with no problems... and it's a wonderful feeling.

Here is a review of my working out in the last week:

Wednesday February 28 -
* Time: 10 - 10:40
* What: Ran through basic machines and excercises once with personal trainer. No Cardio.
* How I felt: Energized afterwards.

Friday March 2 -
* Time: 1:00 - 1:30
* What: Cardio for half an hour on the eliptical machine.
* How I felt: Energized.

Sunday March 3 -
* Time: 6:30 - 7:00 pm
* What: Cardio for half an hour on a bike. Used Cross Country setting (up and down hills).
* How I felt: Engerized.

Tuesday March 6 -
* Time: 7:00 - 8:10 pm
* What: Lower body weights, 1/2 hour on bike using cross country setting.
* How I felt: Energized

There you have it! :) I'm so proud of myself for sticking with it so far. I worked out one day too, a long time ago on a treadmill for half an hour at 6 in the morning and while it was nice to not have many people around at that time, I was exhausted the rest of the day and I didn't feel energized. I think afternoon/evening is going to be a better work out time for me (even though I like the idea of mornings still). Here's to a more fit me!

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