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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Operation: Senior Project - Update

Well, many hours later I can say that I have made good progress. Though it is really slow going I have made it to page 19... of some where more than 25. I have a lot left to go (really a lot) but I feel that if I keep up at the pace I've been going, I'll be able to accomplish my goal of either finishing the writing of it this week or very early next week. It takes a long time to write the stuff, because I'm doing the research at the same time, plus recording sources and citing sources (which is painstaking)... but I'm making progress.

I feel like I can accomplish this all.

oh...and I have to get my car fixed again - to the tune of another $70 - if not more. If things don't stop going wrong soon, I'm going to officially lose my mind.

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