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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I think I can...I think I can...

Remember that old story about the train who was going up the mountain and kept repeating "I think I can, I think I can" over and over again? I have become that train.

Today is Tuesday and it is about 11:55. I spent my entire day proofreading and correcting my ISM Project Paper which is due by Friday. I need to find a couple of other sources, re-proof read a few paragraphs, double check and reformat my sources and a few other grammar issues and then it is done. I'd like to take it to the Center for Writers, which proofreads papers for you, but I'm not sure if they have time for me or if I have time to go... Tomorrow I'm going to try to get the last few things on it done, and will see if the Center for Writers could proof read it for me on Thursday. If they could, then I could change the mistakes and print of the paper on Friday morning and turn it in! If they don't have time, we'll just hope it's good enough grammar wise and will turn it in anyways. Either way that is one less thing to do...

However, right away after that I have to turn my attention to my big test in Animal Physiology on Thursday at 6 pm. After that I'll have to put last touches on my ISM paper and will probably then collapse into an exhausted heap of Mindy on my couch until I fall into an over worked coma.

Oh, but the fun doesn't stop there!!!! Here's an outline of the rest of my semester:

March 29 - Animal Physiology Exam (Essay)
March 30 - ISM Project Due
March 31 - My birthday! Party! (actually, homework all day until the evening)
April 4 - Cellular Biology Exam (Haven't studied yet... been doing ISM too much lately)
April 6 - Blue Man Group and my parents will be here for that!
April 7 - Hanging out with the 'rents and doing homework.
April 8 - Happy Easter! I'll be working and doing homework!
April 9 - No class! Homeowork and work! Take Anthopology test online sometime this week.
April 10 - 20-25 page Anthropology Seminar research paper due..still have lots to do on it!
Invertebrate Zoology test
April 13 - Animal Physiology research paper due. Haven't even started a little yet.
April 13-20 - Do WHOLE project of Zoology Seminar
April 20 - Invertebrate Zoology lab exam.
April 23 - Cell Biology Quiz, Term Paper for Animal Physiology Due
April 26 - Paper for Invertebrate Zoology due.
April 27 & 28 - Give Zoology seminar presentation one of two days.

May 1 - Finalized/Edited Anthropology paper due
May 4 - Invertabrate Zoology lab exam
May 7 - Animal Phyisology final 8 - 10 am
May 9 - Cellular Biology final 1-3, Invert Final 8 - 10
May 11 - I GRADUATE!!!


So there you have it, the reason for my insanity. I literally have to think about one thing at a time in order to survive the semester. I hate putting off my zoo seminar until like a week before it is due, but I don't have a choice given my schedule. My group will probably hate me. Sorry group!

Ahh..but it'll be okay. It has to be. Or else I will cry. But for now I'm going to go get ready for bed, then probably do a bit more homework until I'm so sleepy I can't think anymore.

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