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Saturday, March 24, 2007

New Acne Regimen = Embarrasing Pictures!

Back about four years ago now, I started taking birth control in order to control my crazy, painful periods. Though it took several months the periods improved, and so did my acne! I continued taking the birth control and very quickly forgot about how bad both my periods and my acne was before I was on the birth control. This past August I decided to save the money and quit taking birth control... and boy what a mistake that was!

Before I knew it my body was reminding me of just how bad my periods and my acne were in my pre-birth control days. After months and months of struggling with both, I finally said "Enough!" and decided to go back on birth control.

See, but Mindy doesn't want to wait months until her acne gets better. Therefore, I started searching the internet, hoping to find some good advice on how to get rid of it. I found this site. Basically it's a site about a guy's success story when it comes to getting rid of his acne and what he did. He's got this whole regimen, complete with his own products which you can buy - but you can also just get stuff from wal mart. It sounds just as good as anything else might be, so I decided to try it.

Tonight I bought the rest of the supplies, and am following his plan for the first time (wash face then wait 5-15 minutes... apply 2.5% benzoyl peroxide then wait 5-15 minutes... moisturize) and am officially making this Day One. Maybe this will work, maybe not..but hey, it's worth a shot!

To commemorate the event, here's a before picture of me:

Notice the white red pumps by my nose/lips/mouth? There are also some on my forehead (but hard to see in this picture). My acne has more or less been like this since going off of the birth control... and it's reaked havic on my self esteem. And just for the record, I promise I don't always look this horrible! I also worked today at the zoo and am extremely exhausted and my hair is messy... My fiance comes in about 1 month, so here's to hoping that this new plan works by then to reduce it at least a little! Another thing that sucks? I have acne on my back too! And I LOVE the skin on my back!!!! Before, on the birth control, there was no back acne anymore... we're hoping that being back on the birth control will clear up my back, we'll see. I'm seriously never going off of birth control again unless I plan on getting pregnant.

okay, rant over. I'll keep updating the progress with the acne as time goes on. Mainly because I want to keep track (mostly in pics) to remind myself of how I looked before and after. That way if it does really work, then I can look back when I feel like stopping and be like "hey look, this is what it looked like before!!" or if it doesn't work at all and gets worse I can be like "hey, this is how you looked before, and while you thought that sucked, it wasn't so bad!"

I really hope this is my "here's how bad you looked shot!"

** NOTE: Yes, I do know that a lot of people's acne is worse than mine! I am in no way trying to say my acne is the most horrible thing on the planet...just that I don't like it there and want it to go away.

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