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Thursday, October 26, 2006

My Pathetic Life

I wrote an e-mail to my fiance last night, detailing about the free and cheap stuff I'm going to be getting when I go to the grocery store today... and I was (and still am) excited about it. Either I enjoy the simple pleasures of life or my life is really pathetic!

I think it's a mixture of both. My life consists of going to class, talking to my fiance (I still think it's fun to call him my fiance), studying for my classes, procrastinating studying, watching a couple of good TV shows a week (Heroes, Gilmore Girls and ER), and making sure my money situation works out - which means doing things like getting excited over cheap groceries....

Don't worry - I do hang out with my friends too! But my life definitely could use some more excitement. And for that excitement, today I'm going to look for dead animals on the side of the road!!! Woo Hoo! No, this isn't a new hobby. I need one for class to make a study skin with. I have yet to find one... that's the great thing about us zoology kids. We have no problem with dead things, and even laugh over jokes we make with those dead things. Like the guy who kept using his animal's skin as a puppet. Sort of morbid - but very funny.

There you have it - my pathetic life.

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