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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Wonderful Day

My friend Tiffany is back in the states for a short period of time after being in Iraq for a year. Soon she has to go back to Germany where she's stationed, but she came up last night to visit me up here at college. It was great! We went to Applebees and had drinks (I got my first beverage with alcohol in it while in the States! It was exciting!) Monday night. And just for the record by drinks I mean that I had a sangria (yummy. it's my favorite drink) and she had a martini and that was it. We also had appetizers, and they were super yummy too...

And then today we went and looked at wedding dresses. When Tiffany and I last saw eachother in February in Germany, we were both in relationships that we were pretty sure would lead to engagements and weddings - sure enough, we were right. :) Anyways, we talked at that time about spending a day getting our hair down and looking at dresses together when she got back from Iraq. That is what today was all about. We got our hair done (though I don't like mine so much), and went and looked at dresses. Neither one of us knows when our weddings are going to be for sure, but last night and today were the only times we've seen eachother since February and will see eachother in who knows how long. So, we did what we said we would. It was a once in a lifetime chance to look at dresses with one of my best friends in the whole world...

I had a wonderful day.

P.S. No, I didn't buy any dresses or anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, if you ask real nice you can borrow mine, but that wouldn't be the same would it. You can if you really want to but I am guess that you don't. I wish you luck with finding a dress you like (and can afford which was my problem). If you ever need someone to go with again, I am always free...