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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Simple Pleasures

The Simple Pleasures of my day thus far:

1. Eating toast with peanut butter and apple slices on top. Healthy and oh so yummy.

2. Writing out a check to make a payment on my credit card and being able to send more money than originally planned.

3. Not having Mammology lab this afternoon.

4. Sitting around home being productive, and knowing that I'll get to talk to Fabian today.

5. Sitting around home being productive and trying not to think about the fact that in 3.5 hours I have a meeting with a professor, who will make a decision today that will affect my life in a big way. Don't know what I'm talking about? It's a long story - but this professor will basically be deciding if I can graduate in the Spring or not.

What are your simple pleasures today?

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