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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time ends on October 29, and I'm excited! Why you ask? Cause then it'll be getting lighter earlier - which will make it way easier for me to get up in the morning. Oh, I know it won't last and that it'll get darker earlier too, but the end of the day doesn't bother me so much.

The woman from the school e-mailed me back. She basically told me that I can't get a reduction or waiver for my own stupidity of not seeing one of the various little things that would have told me of this extra fee. I think the whole situation is stupid and that the program shouldn't be set up the way it is set up. Sadly that doesn't make a difference, so now i get to pay an extra 214.00 dollars to the school. Oh well, I tried to get out of it at least.

I have a test this morning. Wish me luck!

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