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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Chris and Lorelei - My Thoughts on Gilmore Girls

I don't know about all of you, but there are three shows on TV that I enjoy watching everyweek - Heroes, Gilmore Girls, and ER. I'm not sure how many of you actually keep up with the Gilmore Girls, so for those of you who don't, my post may not make a whole lot of sense. But, I wanted to get out my opinion on the matter just the same.

And my opinion on the matter is that Chris and Lorelei shouldn't be together. Before any of you fans of Chris and Lorelei get unhappy about my thoughts, let me just tell you that it's not that I'm against them being a couple. It's that I'm against them being a couple right now. Chris has matured and Chris is ready to try out their relationship and see if it can go anywhere beyond the occassional night together - but Lorelei isn't. For Lorelei this is something she's using to hide from the fact that her heart got broken and that she made a huge mistake. She was hurt when she went to Chris, and did something she knows she shouldn't have. Then you had Chris's confession (what exactly did he say? I missed the ending because people were talking), and I think it played right into Lorelei being confused about what happened between her and Luke. I mean, poor Lorelei has always had some feelings about Christopher. She admitted it, way back in season one, that a part of her would always love him. She's always had a weak spot for him too, and now I think she's questioning those feelings and her weakness. She's wondering why it is she went to him that night she gave Luke the ultimatum, and if maybe there's something more to her feelings and weakness for him than she's always thought.

And do you know what I think she's finding out? That there isn't anything more to it. I think she's realizing that all there is on her side are the residual feelings that I'm sure every girl has about her first love. Made even more complicated of course, due to the fact that they've always been attracted to one another still, and that Chris has continued to be in her life due to Rory. Yes, a part of her will probably always have feelings about him, but I don't think they're feelings in the "I want to spend the rest of my life with you" way - I would say they're more along the Max Medina sort of way.

Why do I think all this stuff? Just from the look on her face during and after their date. She loved the movie, and in the beginning the whole concept of a date with Chris and the surprise, but it was written all over her face when they were talking afterwards, that while it was sweet and everything, Chris was not Luke.

My prediction? Lorelei will eventually freak out and realize that her feelings for Chris aren't what they were for Luke, and I don't think she'll settle for anything less than what she felt for Luke. I'm not saying for sure that Luke and Lorelei will get back together (I hope they do), but I don't think that Lorelei will stay with Chris. It may take until December or January, but I suspect that she'll freak out and "come to her senses" some time midseason.

Oh, and how did you all like Logans reaction to Rory having friends over? He didn't look to pleased - but I think it did him some good. After all, now he knows how Rory has felt when he has been too busy to talk. I don't think they should break up or anything (I'm not anti Logan, like a lot of people), but I think it will do Logan some good for him to realize that Rory's life has to go on without him.

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