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Tuesday, October 03, 2006


* I talked to a chinese guy last night with a thick accent at work, who yelled at me for five minutes straight because no one had been out to his establishment to fix his Pepsi machine all day long. He was so mad and his accent was so thick that our conversation went like this:

Him: Why is no one here to fix my machine? I can't sell Pepsi. I have to tell all customers that we have no pop. I have called all day long.
Me: I don't know why no one has been out yet sir, except that our techs are very busy people and are trying to get their as soon as possible. Can I have your phone number please?
Him: 555 555 5555. When is someone coming out? I have called all day. Many times. No one has been here yet... (and more of the same for a minute or two).
Me: Like I said the tech will be there as soon as possible. What's the name of your business?
Him: Charlies Grill Subs (which sounds like Charlies Grill & Pub, I think, cause I couldn't understand him at all). Why is no one here? When are they coming? I want someone here as soon as possible.
Me: What is your address?
Him: You don't need my address, I gave you my phone number! What is going on? Where is the tech? He needs to be here now... (and more of the same).
Me: Sir, our system is down right now updating so I need more information from you than normal. (no really, it was down for an hour last night). What is your address.
Him: 55 23rd St S
Me: What city?
Him: What?
Me: What city?
Him: Indiana College
Me: Can you repeat that?
Him: Indiana College.
Me: (writing down Indiana College although I'm sure it's not a real town) What is your zip code?
Him: 44- I don't know it. When are they coming? I can't sell Pepsi. I need to sell Pepsi. (here he yells for a while, not letting me get a word in edgewise.)
Me: What is town did you say you were from?
Him: Indiana College

And that was the conversation, more or less. Turns out the guy was from a Charlies Grill Subs in Indianapolis and had never called all day long because there was never a work order with us or with PCNA (who he has to call first and they call us normally) until I sent one out. Not only that but about 20 minutes later he called again and harassed another agent of ours for even longer, and then another 20 minutes later he called again, but thankfully we knew for sure that the tech would be there this morning so we told him that and he shut up quickly!

Wow.. some people need to learn to relax a bit.

* In other news, I have a hole in my wall just big enough for lady bugs to crawl in. I have killed 15 so far, and I know that there are more in my bedroom hiding. Evil lady bugs.

* I have a test tomorrow that I've barely studied for.

* I got charged money at NDSU for a course I didn't know what charge me extra money. And it's not a measily 20 dollars either - it's an extra almost 400 dollars! Stupid college... I complained to the business office yesterday, and they agreed to repeal the $50.00 late fee I was charged on a bill I didn't know existed until Friday thankfully. Today I complained to another office who was in charge of this $400.00 fee that I got charged and she told me how much exactly the charge was. I was very unhappy. And she gave me her director's e-mail. So, I've complained to her too. They better not make me pay it. I'll keep you posted.

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