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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I'm Sick

I got some sort of bug or another, and am now sick. I was so sick that I even had to call in sick to work for the very first time. I felt bad, but at the same time there was no way I would have even gotten to work in one peice, let alone working for seven hours. Missing one day of work won't hurt my bills paying at all either.

So what have I been doing with my time off? Nothing, nothing at all. Oh, I have about a billion things to do. I have Botany to read, a quiz tomorrow to study for, a test next week (and quiz next week) to study for, my research project to do, my scrapbook to work on... really just a million things. But what am I doing? Ab-so-lutely nothing. And I'm enjoying it - at least as much as I can while sick. So I spent from 12:00 until about 4:00 sleeping/laying down, and the last two and a half hours just surfing the net and watching TV. I might actually do homework though soon... maybe.

Until next time, this is me signing off.. boo to being sick!

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