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Thursday, October 05, 2006

This is what I have to show...

Well, after several hours today spent trying to figure out how to make my blog look better, this is what I've come up with. The banner is one I made myself in Photoshop, back before I left Germany. The beach is the one where Fabian asked me to marry him (beautiful, huh?).. and there is the official title of my blog put onto it.

I do find this blog layout better than my previous one, however I am frustrated a bit because I want the header to look like it does now with two columns of content underneath it. One column for my blog typing and one for my profile, links, labels, archives and various other items. But unfortunately I've yet to make that work. And now I'm too burned out trying to figure out the header, to figure out the rest. So until I feel like doing more, this is what we're stuck with!

p.s. If anyone knows how to make my header stay on there like this and have two (or three) columns instead of one, please tell me!

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