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Thursday, October 26, 2006

My Pathetic Life

I wrote an e-mail to my fiance last night, detailing about the free and cheap stuff I'm going to be getting when I go to the grocery store today... and I was (and still am) excited about it. Either I enjoy the simple pleasures of life or my life is really pathetic!

I think it's a mixture of both. My life consists of going to class, talking to my fiance (I still think it's fun to call him my fiance), studying for my classes, procrastinating studying, watching a couple of good TV shows a week (Heroes, Gilmore Girls and ER), and making sure my money situation works out - which means doing things like getting excited over cheap groceries....

Don't worry - I do hang out with my friends too! But my life definitely could use some more excitement. And for that excitement, today I'm going to look for dead animals on the side of the road!!! Woo Hoo! No, this isn't a new hobby. I need one for class to make a study skin with. I have yet to find one... that's the great thing about us zoology kids. We have no problem with dead things, and even laugh over jokes we make with those dead things. Like the guy who kept using his animal's skin as a puppet. Sort of morbid - but very funny.

There you have it - my pathetic life.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Simple Pleasures

The Simple Pleasures of my day thus far:

1. Eating toast with peanut butter and apple slices on top. Healthy and oh so yummy.

2. Writing out a check to make a payment on my credit card and being able to send more money than originally planned.

3. Not having Mammology lab this afternoon.

4. Sitting around home being productive, and knowing that I'll get to talk to Fabian today.

5. Sitting around home being productive and trying not to think about the fact that in 3.5 hours I have a meeting with a professor, who will make a decision today that will affect my life in a big way. Don't know what I'm talking about? It's a long story - but this professor will basically be deciding if I can graduate in the Spring or not.

What are your simple pleasures today?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Chris and Lorelei - My Thoughts on Gilmore Girls

I don't know about all of you, but there are three shows on TV that I enjoy watching everyweek - Heroes, Gilmore Girls, and ER. I'm not sure how many of you actually keep up with the Gilmore Girls, so for those of you who don't, my post may not make a whole lot of sense. But, I wanted to get out my opinion on the matter just the same.

And my opinion on the matter is that Chris and Lorelei shouldn't be together. Before any of you fans of Chris and Lorelei get unhappy about my thoughts, let me just tell you that it's not that I'm against them being a couple. It's that I'm against them being a couple right now. Chris has matured and Chris is ready to try out their relationship and see if it can go anywhere beyond the occassional night together - but Lorelei isn't. For Lorelei this is something she's using to hide from the fact that her heart got broken and that she made a huge mistake. She was hurt when she went to Chris, and did something she knows she shouldn't have. Then you had Chris's confession (what exactly did he say? I missed the ending because people were talking), and I think it played right into Lorelei being confused about what happened between her and Luke. I mean, poor Lorelei has always had some feelings about Christopher. She admitted it, way back in season one, that a part of her would always love him. She's always had a weak spot for him too, and now I think she's questioning those feelings and her weakness. She's wondering why it is she went to him that night she gave Luke the ultimatum, and if maybe there's something more to her feelings and weakness for him than she's always thought.

And do you know what I think she's finding out? That there isn't anything more to it. I think she's realizing that all there is on her side are the residual feelings that I'm sure every girl has about her first love. Made even more complicated of course, due to the fact that they've always been attracted to one another still, and that Chris has continued to be in her life due to Rory. Yes, a part of her will probably always have feelings about him, but I don't think they're feelings in the "I want to spend the rest of my life with you" way - I would say they're more along the Max Medina sort of way.

Why do I think all this stuff? Just from the look on her face during and after their date. She loved the movie, and in the beginning the whole concept of a date with Chris and the surprise, but it was written all over her face when they were talking afterwards, that while it was sweet and everything, Chris was not Luke.

My prediction? Lorelei will eventually freak out and realize that her feelings for Chris aren't what they were for Luke, and I don't think she'll settle for anything less than what she felt for Luke. I'm not saying for sure that Luke and Lorelei will get back together (I hope they do), but I don't think that Lorelei will stay with Chris. It may take until December or January, but I suspect that she'll freak out and "come to her senses" some time midseason.

Oh, and how did you all like Logans reaction to Rory having friends over? He didn't look to pleased - but I think it did him some good. After all, now he knows how Rory has felt when he has been too busy to talk. I don't think they should break up or anything (I'm not anti Logan, like a lot of people), but I think it will do Logan some good for him to realize that Rory's life has to go on without him.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I'm Sick

I got some sort of bug or another, and am now sick. I was so sick that I even had to call in sick to work for the very first time. I felt bad, but at the same time there was no way I would have even gotten to work in one peice, let alone working for seven hours. Missing one day of work won't hurt my bills paying at all either.

So what have I been doing with my time off? Nothing, nothing at all. Oh, I have about a billion things to do. I have Botany to read, a quiz tomorrow to study for, a test next week (and quiz next week) to study for, my research project to do, my scrapbook to work on... really just a million things. But what am I doing? Ab-so-lutely nothing. And I'm enjoying it - at least as much as I can while sick. So I spent from 12:00 until about 4:00 sleeping/laying down, and the last two and a half hours just surfing the net and watching TV. I might actually do homework though soon... maybe.

Until next time, this is me signing off.. boo to being sick!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Results

There's always a routine to getting my haircut. First I wait for a longer period of time than I should before getting in to the hair salon. It seems the months go by, and my hair doesn't look so bad - but then I wake up one day and it's like, "Oh! My hair looks horrible!" Then I decide I need to go get it cut, but despite this, I still wait for weeks before finally getting in. It's not like I have "salonophobia" or anything, I'm just too cheap to want to spend the money.

Then one day I finally decide to get my hair cut, and I make an appointment. From that time on, I search and search the internet, TV, and magazines for style ideas. I usually don't find too many I like, and before I know it I have my appointment.

When I get to the salon I'll usually look at a few more pictures and books, still not set on any one style. I have had many variations of the same hair cut over the last few years - roughly shoulder length (sometimes longer, but never shorter), with layers of some sort of another. This seems to be the best for my hair texture and general face shape, and so still being undecided I usually tell the stylist that I want my hair about shoulder length, with layers. Oh, and make me look cute. Then we discuss the shortest and longest lengths I want, and then she goes at it. I take off my glasses, which makes me blind (I can't even see myself in the mirror clearly) and in the end my hair somehow always turns out looking (at least) not so bad.

Today was no exception. I went in, told my friend the basics, and she started cutting. The result is cute, and with the added eye brow wax I got done as well, I once again feel like a real person. Below are some pictures of me after my last hair cut (back in March!), more recently after I was in Spain, and today after my haircut. I think all three are quite different.

Out of the three, I have to say I like the current one the best (the right one), but I liked my coloring from the summer a bit better (it's dulled a little already, as has my tan). And though I said I liked my hair after my last haircut in March (the far left), I'm not so sure what I was thinking at that time. I don't like it really anymore. Let me know what you think!

Monday, October 16, 2006

I'm Scared

I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow. I know who is going to be cutting it - she's a student at a local hair school who I also work with at Pepsi. She's done other people's hair who we work with and as far as I know it's turned out well... but still, I'm nervous. I'm also nervous because I have no idea what to do. All I know is that my hair looks way better with layers than one length, and also with some very long side swept bangs too. I'm nervous though, just the same.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Data Analysis

I've been doing data analysis for my Gorilla research project all day long. Well, almost all day long. Let me just say, data analysis is not the fun part of a research project. Blah.

An Okay Cook in the Making

Here in the United States, eating has become something that we have to do in order to survive, rather than something we do to enjoy. We don't want to spend hours cooking meals to savor with family and friends. What we want is a meal which is done very quickly, so that we can eat it just as quickly - we want a meal which will make our families full. Growing up here in America, I've fallen into that trap with my own cooking. This is by no means my mom's fault though. As I was growing, we always had good meals that were eaten around a table, and were enjoyable. After I moved out, I found that I didn't care so much about cooking good food - as long as it was fast and tasted alright, I was okay with it.

Then I went Germany. In Germany, you cook many more things from scratch than we do here. Not only do they cook more from scratch, but the meals were also more enjoyable as well. A lot of this had to do with the fact that my fiance can cook wonderfully, but as a whole, the culture is one that enjoys a well cooked meal. I found myself time after time sitting and really savoring well cooked food - something I hadn't done much in the States for a very long time.

Now that I'm back in the States, a goal that Fabian and I both have is to improve my cooking skills. Because we might as well face the truth that my cooking skills stink. So before I left he bought me a cooking handbook, which describes how to do a lot of basic tasks. One of the items I have made with this book is homemade pizza. Not only did I make the dough from scratch, but I also made my own sauce (well, the tomatoes were from a can, but it was close), and cut my own cheese and vegetables to go on top. The end result was a delicious, not too horribly unhealthy meal which I was able to actually savor and enjoy!

Before: After:

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


It snowed today. I'll post some pictures tomorrow or the next day of it.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Wonderful Day

My friend Tiffany is back in the states for a short period of time after being in Iraq for a year. Soon she has to go back to Germany where she's stationed, but she came up last night to visit me up here at college. It was great! We went to Applebees and had drinks (I got my first beverage with alcohol in it while in the States! It was exciting!) Monday night. And just for the record by drinks I mean that I had a sangria (yummy. it's my favorite drink) and she had a martini and that was it. We also had appetizers, and they were super yummy too...

And then today we went and looked at wedding dresses. When Tiffany and I last saw eachother in February in Germany, we were both in relationships that we were pretty sure would lead to engagements and weddings - sure enough, we were right. :) Anyways, we talked at that time about spending a day getting our hair down and looking at dresses together when she got back from Iraq. That is what today was all about. We got our hair done (though I don't like mine so much), and went and looked at dresses. Neither one of us knows when our weddings are going to be for sure, but last night and today were the only times we've seen eachother since February and will see eachother in who knows how long. So, we did what we said we would. It was a once in a lifetime chance to look at dresses with one of my best friends in the whole world...

I had a wonderful day.

P.S. No, I didn't buy any dresses or anything.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Its a New Day

It's relatively early on Sunday morning and I've been enjoying the ability to sit here in silence - except for the hum of my refridgerator that is.

I found out yesterday that my friend Tiffany is back from Iraq! She's coming up on Tuesday to visit me, and I'm super excited. I'll only really get to see her for the one day, because soon she has to go back to Germany where she is still stationed. I must say I'm jealous that she'll be back in the country I miss so much - but I'm also really happy she's not going back Iraq.

Welcome home Tiffany!

Friday, October 06, 2006

I wish I could code

I wish I could code, and make my blog look just how I want it. Alas, I don't have time for that however. I tried this morning agian, to put label tabs on my blog by following instructions I found online... and it doesn't seem to work.

What oh what am I doing wrong? And why oh why doesn't blogger make it easy to design your own template? And how come no one told me that doing this stuff isn't so easy as it looks?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

This is what I have to show...

Well, after several hours today spent trying to figure out how to make my blog look better, this is what I've come up with. The banner is one I made myself in Photoshop, back before I left Germany. The beach is the one where Fabian asked me to marry him (beautiful, huh?).. and there is the official title of my blog put onto it.

I do find this blog layout better than my previous one, however I am frustrated a bit because I want the header to look like it does now with two columns of content underneath it. One column for my blog typing and one for my profile, links, labels, archives and various other items. But unfortunately I've yet to make that work. And now I'm too burned out trying to figure out the header, to figure out the rest. So until I feel like doing more, this is what we're stuck with!

p.s. If anyone knows how to make my header stay on there like this and have two (or three) columns instead of one, please tell me!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time ends on October 29, and I'm excited! Why you ask? Cause then it'll be getting lighter earlier - which will make it way easier for me to get up in the morning. Oh, I know it won't last and that it'll get darker earlier too, but the end of the day doesn't bother me so much.

The woman from the school e-mailed me back. She basically told me that I can't get a reduction or waiver for my own stupidity of not seeing one of the various little things that would have told me of this extra fee. I think the whole situation is stupid and that the program shouldn't be set up the way it is set up. Sadly that doesn't make a difference, so now i get to pay an extra 214.00 dollars to the school. Oh well, I tried to get out of it at least.

I have a test this morning. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


* I talked to a chinese guy last night with a thick accent at work, who yelled at me for five minutes straight because no one had been out to his establishment to fix his Pepsi machine all day long. He was so mad and his accent was so thick that our conversation went like this:

Him: Why is no one here to fix my machine? I can't sell Pepsi. I have to tell all customers that we have no pop. I have called all day long.
Me: I don't know why no one has been out yet sir, except that our techs are very busy people and are trying to get their as soon as possible. Can I have your phone number please?
Him: 555 555 5555. When is someone coming out? I have called all day. Many times. No one has been here yet... (and more of the same for a minute or two).
Me: Like I said the tech will be there as soon as possible. What's the name of your business?
Him: Charlies Grill Subs (which sounds like Charlies Grill & Pub, I think, cause I couldn't understand him at all). Why is no one here? When are they coming? I want someone here as soon as possible.
Me: What is your address?
Him: You don't need my address, I gave you my phone number! What is going on? Where is the tech? He needs to be here now... (and more of the same).
Me: Sir, our system is down right now updating so I need more information from you than normal. (no really, it was down for an hour last night). What is your address.
Him: 55 23rd St S
Me: What city?
Him: What?
Me: What city?
Him: Indiana College
Me: Can you repeat that?
Him: Indiana College.
Me: (writing down Indiana College although I'm sure it's not a real town) What is your zip code?
Him: 44- I don't know it. When are they coming? I can't sell Pepsi. I need to sell Pepsi. (here he yells for a while, not letting me get a word in edgewise.)
Me: What is town did you say you were from?
Him: Indiana College

And that was the conversation, more or less. Turns out the guy was from a Charlies Grill Subs in Indianapolis and had never called all day long because there was never a work order with us or with PCNA (who he has to call first and they call us normally) until I sent one out. Not only that but about 20 minutes later he called again and harassed another agent of ours for even longer, and then another 20 minutes later he called again, but thankfully we knew for sure that the tech would be there this morning so we told him that and he shut up quickly!

Wow.. some people need to learn to relax a bit.

* In other news, I have a hole in my wall just big enough for lady bugs to crawl in. I have killed 15 so far, and I know that there are more in my bedroom hiding. Evil lady bugs.

* I have a test tomorrow that I've barely studied for.

* I got charged money at NDSU for a course I didn't know what charge me extra money. And it's not a measily 20 dollars either - it's an extra almost 400 dollars! Stupid college... I complained to the business office yesterday, and they agreed to repeal the $50.00 late fee I was charged on a bill I didn't know existed until Friday thankfully. Today I complained to another office who was in charge of this $400.00 fee that I got charged and she told me how much exactly the charge was. I was very unhappy. And she gave me her director's e-mail. So, I've complained to her too. They better not make me pay it. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Oh Yeah

I forgot how much work it is at the zoo - and I wasn't even there until 2 hours later than usual! I also forgot how much I love it and how satisfying it is. Now it's the next day and I've slept, but I still feel the tiredness from the weekend in my bones. Just think of how exhausted I'll be the first month or two when I finally start doing a job like this full time! And then just think about how good of shape I'll be in! :)

Despite my exhaustion I was able to memorize all the bones of the skull for my Mammology test on Wednesday. Now I just have to memorize how to tell the different skulls apart from another to decide which order of Mammals they're in... that's my task for today.

I really hate cramming for a test at the last minute, but it seems I'm sort of doing that with this exam. Oh well... next time will be better.

Now I'm off to get ready for my day. Have a great one guys!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'm at the zoo this weekend, and it's a lot of work. I spent yesterday cleaning out the primate exhibits, the Eland and Zebra stalls, the swan pond, and the outside Eland exhibit. Our little Spider Monkey named Niko eats like a dog and not a monkey (face into a bowl) because he hates getting his little hands dirty. Therefore he puts his face into his fruit and daintly picks out a fruit with his mouth. It's totally cute.

But I better get on my way. I have the zoo again today. :) Then I get to come home and study and do Gorilla research data analysis! I'm so excited. I actually meant that sarcastically, but I sort of am excited to be able to finish up my research.

Have a good day.