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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Um... can someone help me?

Though I spoke way too much english while abroad, I still find myself not always remembering what certain english phrases or words mean. The week before last I had to ask what concentric meant and now, I don't really know what this sentence means for my homework:

"Callicott suggests that Muir may have secretly pondered if species have inherent value."

I know who Callicott is, and who Muir is and what inherent value is, but does secretly pondered mean that he may have not been 100% convinced that species have inherent value? I'm confused...

And another thing I do a lot - is not know how certain english words are spelled or capatilized. In German you capatalize nouns, while the letter "I" is not captilized. So a sentence would look like this:

"Should i go to the Market?"

instead of:

"Should I go to the market?"

Hence the reason, why I don't have any idea what words in English should be capatalized or not. I mean, should "English" be capatalized?

Anyways.. back to homework I go. Maybe someday I'll figure it all out.


Anonymous said...

well secrectly pondered means that they have secretly thought about if the species had inherent value. and secretly means that it is like a secret. you could always look the words up on dictionary.com too.

Mindy said...

thanks suzie!!:)