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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I'm so frustrated

Frustrating things:

1. I completed all the requirements for a German minor while in Germany and am now only waiting to officially get all the credits transferred. Today I went to the office of registration and records to officially declare it as a minor, only to find out that they don't offer the minor any more. It's so dumb.

2. I got a job, got a drug test that was required before I could start, whose results should have been given to the company that hired me yesterday at the latest, and I still haven't heard when I can start. Hi, my name is Mindy and I need to start working so I can pay my bills. So... can you please call me, person in Human Resources... or answer your phone when I call you?

3. This isn't frustrating but I'm anxious to find out if I got the internship or not too. Sigh.

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