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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Oh my gosh!


I am back from my interview, which went very well. My friend Sam is also a Zoology major and is looking to go into the same field as I am, Keeper work, so we both went and had an interview together actually. We talked with both the director and the curator and both seemed to be pretty impressed with our previous experience, passion for the field, and personalities. They have two more interviews tomorrow or Thursday and we should be hearing something by Friday or Monday at the latest. The zoo itself looks pretty good and is AZA accredited, which is a huge bonus. It takes an hour to get there on the freeway or an hour and a half on the back road, and my commitment would be a couple of weekends a month and at least 1/2 a day during the week most likely, which I should be able to work out. Anyways, pray for me that it will work out, if that's God's will. I'll let you all know more as I know more.

I have an interview for an internship at Chahinkapa Zoo in Wahpeton, North Dakota today at 2:00 pm! I'm so excited! I'll let you all know how it goes!


Anonymous said...

Good Luck! I hope you get it, it would be right up your alley.

Mindy said...

Thanks Tami! I'll let you all know!