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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'm Tired of Titles

hey guys. It's been a few days since I last updated and I thought I'd fill you all in on what's happening in my life. Tuesday I went back to the zoo for the morning and then had my lab class there (my mammology class), so I got to spend a while there again, and I officially love it there. Surprise surprsie! :)

Monday and today I got trained in on the phones at work, which was overwhelming but now is better. This evening I spent my first several hours on phones and doing work orders alone, and it went well - so I'm proud.

I also had my first mammology test today and I did well. I studied hard for it, and I'm pretty sure I only got 1 wrong, even though we haven't gotten our results back yet. I got it wrong for a spelling mistake too, so it's not like I didn't even know it - I just forgot a letter.

And that's all there is to report. I've got a million things to do and not enough time in the day to do it in, so I'm going to now go do it. Or at least some of it. Have a good night everyone, and I'll update again when I can.

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