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Sunday, September 03, 2006


Over the last several days some very small but very significant changes have been made to my apartment. Here's a listing of them:

1. Sheets were turned into makeshift slipcovers for my chair and couch. They're not perfect but it makes my living room look a lot better!

2. A coaxial cable was bought and plugged in, which means I still get the same 4 channels as before (sadly, no WB) but now they come in much better and I don't have anntenna ears sitting on top of my TV looking dumb anymore.

3. Sink Scents were bought. These are drain plugs for your kitchen sink, which smell good. No more using really old ones which I was afraid might kill me.

4. My DVD player on my computer was fixed. Now I can watch Gilmore Girls in German! Which I have been doing, and it's been wonderful. My old German teacher is going to give me some more movies and I can't wait to watch them.

Small but big improvements. I'm happy.

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