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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I've been so busy of late that I've pretty much forgotten that my blog exists, I'm sorry. I got word about the classes that I'm getting credit for from my year in Germany and it looks like everything is working out about the way I expected. I got credit for 2 Psychology courses, 2 German courses, 1 Political Science course, and 1 Gender Roles Course. That leaves me with only 2 more courses to complete for my International Studies Major, along with my senior project. Speaking of senior projects, I have outline a new project proposal for it - covering conservation in the two countries - but my advisor said it was too general still. So now I get to do research and get the topic more focused in order for it to be finally approved. I feel like I'm hitting my head against a brick wall with this project, and I will just be relieved when I can get it done. Thankfully there's plenty of time, as it's not due until the fall of 07. But still, it's going to be a lot of work.

As for my other project I need to get my bum in gear. I have set a deadline for myself of having the rough draft in to my other advisor (too many advisors to count) by the end of the first week of November. That'll give us about a month to talk about it and for him to critique it so I can have the final completed by the end of the semester. I have a 2 - 3 weeks from now to get the statistical analysis done and 2-3 weeks of time after that to get it written. That may sound like a lot of time, but it's going to be a lot of work and so I need to get busy on it.

I'm also still working 30 hours a week, going to class 14 hours a week (6 of those hours are labs), and studying to take 4 tests coming up (1 mini exam Thursday, 1 exam Friday, 1 exam next Tuesday, and 1 exam next Wednesday). I have the zoo this weekend too... I took a test last Wednesday and although I technically got one wrong the teacher missed it and so I got 100 points out of 100 points. I'm very happy about that. But don't worry, I pointed out to him that I should have gotten the one wrong ( I just spelled something wrong) and he said that since he missed it during grading I still get the points. Plus, in Botany we have mini exams every week and on the first two I got 27/25 and 28/25... in other words I've been working my rear end off so far this year for my grades and it's been paying off. Hopefully it'll continue to do that in the future..

anyways, I gotta get off to bed so I can get up in the morning and have yet another busy day. :)
don't worry if this blog confuses you with all the stuff I have going on.. it confuses me too sometimes. It keeps me busy though, which is a good thing.


Anonymous said...

i haven't seen you for 2 weeks!! You should come over and hang out sometime- or let me know when you are home and i can come over and hang out.

Anonymous said...

I am glad your grades are reflecting your working hard! My grades were too, except that i wasn't doing well last week. But, this week I decided to get going and have already finished all 3 chapted I had to do for Microeconomics and I am feeling pretty good. I don't know if you are keeping up with my blog,but I just posted a new one, FYI.

Mindy said...

yay a new blog tami! :) I check it like every other day, just hoping something new will be there.. and finally there is something!

Gotta go read it now!