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Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Driving home from the grocery store today and I started crying. Why? Because I realized all the blessings God has been sending my way, and how (overall) great my life is going...

I got into the University in Germany and all the planning worked out perfectly so that I could go for a year. While there I got to live with my now fiance, and really learn that our relationship works when we're together and also learn that he is definitely the person I want to marry. I was able to get a small job, and volunteer at the bird park. I was able to show my dad and step-mom the country and see some other places too while I was there. Then Fabian asked me to marry him, making it definite that he wants to spend his life with me too (yay!). Now, I'm back here and I miss him a bunch, but I was able to find a job that paid $2.00 more than absolutely necessary for me to support myself. I now have an internship which will allow me to gain lots of experience, and to top it all off, the zoo is planning on paying me starting around November or so. So, not only will I work a normal job, but also have a second income as well! And to top it all off, I get to do the internship with one of my friends up here!

I hope everything else continues to go this way... I guess we'll find out.

Now I'll I need is Fabian here to share all this with me... *sigh* but our days will come.

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