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Friday, August 31, 2007

My Arch Enemy - NABISCO!

Yes, that's right. I officially have an arch nemesis. What is it? Anything made by Nabisco.

You see, one of the volunteers here in Texas works for Nabisco. And since they get free product every week, he shares it with us here in the Vet Center (name of the building I live in).

So it sits there on the counter and/or in the cupboard staring at me. I stare back and think of the fruit I have to eat in the fridge/bedroom/cupboard that is sooooo much healthier for me. I'm about to turn and grab the fruit, when the Nabisco products start talking to me...

"Mmmm..look how good and tasty I am! These chocolate chip cookies would taste so delicious dipped in some nice, cold milk! So good, they'd practically melt in your mouth. Or maybe you want something saltier? These crackers would taste delicious, especially paired with the easy cheese in the cupboard. You know you want some... everybody's been having some! Don't you want just a little nibble? I promise we won't hurt you..."

And on and on they go..until I just. can't. resist.

Nabisco is my worst enemy. Let it be known Nabisco snacks - you may win a battle here and there, but I will win the war!

p.s. don't worry - I promise I'm not crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I promise you are NOT crazy - though you may sometimes act like it. LOL I have been reading up on your last few days. Sorry I didn't earlier but I have been avoiding the computer during my 2 weeks off before the fall quarter. I did, however, managed to get a 4.0 for the summer quarter - something that surpised me because it was after all summer.
Best of luck during your next 3.5 months!!! I'll keep reading I promise - pinky swear.