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Saturday, March 31, 2007

So Yesterday...

... after the first e-mail I sent to a teacher asking for advice on our project to make sure I was on the right track, I complained that his reply was "that's what your assignment is." So I e-mailed him again, asking if he could let me know if I was on the right track for a couple of examples I gave him. I didn't want him to say "Yes, those are perfect!" more like "Yes, you have the right ideas, but keep reading and everything." Is that really so much to ask?

Well, apparantly it is since the first line in his reply was "You seem to be missing the anthropology boat," followed later by "You are not the only non-anthropology major in this class who has to re-read everything multiple times," and still later by "I know you can do this and the satisfaction at having done it on your own will be great in the end." Okay, seriously? I'm still doing it on my own..all I wanted was a teeny-tiny bit of advice from you to make sure I'm not completely in left field. Call me crazy, but somehow I don't think asking for a little advice means that I'm missing the "anthropology boat" or trying to just make you do my assignment. And believe it or not, I wasn't complaining about being a non-anthropology major or asking for special attention because this isn't my primary field. All I meant when I added that in my e-mail was that this type of stuff is harder for me than my normal stuff (I'd much rather do biology) and that was why I was e-mailing him - because I was confused. Aren't we supposed to ask for help when we're confused? I wasn't asking for special attention or complaining that I have it worse than anyone else, because I don't.

Okay, I'm done now. It just annoyed me that I more or less got yelled at for asking for his help because I am confused and that in so doing I was told that I'm "missing the anthropology boat." Way to go, making someone who already feels out of place in that class feel even more out of place. Way to be a good instructor. He couldn't have simply said, "You seem to be a little confused" ???? I just can't wait until that class is over. I've tried liking it, I really have..but it hasn't worked. On the last day of class when we turn in our assignment the plan is to go out to dinner together as a class (there's 12 of us). Call me anti-social but I really hope it's not mandatory, cause I don't want to go.

Friday, March 30, 2007

I Hate it When...

...you ask a teacher a question, with a specific example, in order to find out if you are on the right track in your project and all they tell you is "That's what the readings, class, and your assignment are for" and never actually tell you if the example you gave them was correct or not.

...you procrastinate studying because you really aren't in the mood to, and finally feel in the mood to when you have to go to work/class/something else.

Not that either one of those happened to me at all today or anything.

On the bright side, tomorrow is my birthday, I have the weekend free of work, my acne is getting a little better, and my ISM Project is turned in.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

1 done, 1 billion to go!

ISM Project (35 page research senior project): DONE!

Today's Goal: Get a "B" on my Animal Physiology Exam at 6 pm; Take Anthropology notes from online.

This Week's Goal: Research and write 20-25 page research paper by April 5th; Study for and get a "B" on my Cellular Biology exam on April 4th.

Other Goals: Find resources for next two research projects.

It feels so good to have that ISM Project done! Now, just a little more to go.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I think I can...I think I can...

Remember that old story about the train who was going up the mountain and kept repeating "I think I can, I think I can" over and over again? I have become that train.

Today is Tuesday and it is about 11:55. I spent my entire day proofreading and correcting my ISM Project Paper which is due by Friday. I need to find a couple of other sources, re-proof read a few paragraphs, double check and reformat my sources and a few other grammar issues and then it is done. I'd like to take it to the Center for Writers, which proofreads papers for you, but I'm not sure if they have time for me or if I have time to go... Tomorrow I'm going to try to get the last few things on it done, and will see if the Center for Writers could proof read it for me on Thursday. If they could, then I could change the mistakes and print of the paper on Friday morning and turn it in! If they don't have time, we'll just hope it's good enough grammar wise and will turn it in anyways. Either way that is one less thing to do...

However, right away after that I have to turn my attention to my big test in Animal Physiology on Thursday at 6 pm. After that I'll have to put last touches on my ISM paper and will probably then collapse into an exhausted heap of Mindy on my couch until I fall into an over worked coma.

Oh, but the fun doesn't stop there!!!! Here's an outline of the rest of my semester:

March 29 - Animal Physiology Exam (Essay)
March 30 - ISM Project Due
March 31 - My birthday! Party! (actually, homework all day until the evening)
April 4 - Cellular Biology Exam (Haven't studied yet... been doing ISM too much lately)
April 6 - Blue Man Group and my parents will be here for that!
April 7 - Hanging out with the 'rents and doing homework.
April 8 - Happy Easter! I'll be working and doing homework!
April 9 - No class! Homeowork and work! Take Anthopology test online sometime this week.
April 10 - 20-25 page Anthropology Seminar research paper due..still have lots to do on it!
Invertebrate Zoology test
April 13 - Animal Physiology research paper due. Haven't even started a little yet.
April 13-20 - Do WHOLE project of Zoology Seminar
April 20 - Invertebrate Zoology lab exam.
April 23 - Cell Biology Quiz, Term Paper for Animal Physiology Due
April 26 - Paper for Invertebrate Zoology due.
April 27 & 28 - Give Zoology seminar presentation one of two days.

May 1 - Finalized/Edited Anthropology paper due
May 4 - Invertabrate Zoology lab exam
May 7 - Animal Phyisology final 8 - 10 am
May 9 - Cellular Biology final 1-3, Invert Final 8 - 10
May 11 - I GRADUATE!!!


So there you have it, the reason for my insanity. I literally have to think about one thing at a time in order to survive the semester. I hate putting off my zoo seminar until like a week before it is due, but I don't have a choice given my schedule. My group will probably hate me. Sorry group!

Ahh..but it'll be okay. It has to be. Or else I will cry. But for now I'm going to go get ready for bed, then probably do a bit more homework until I'm so sleepy I can't think anymore.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

New Acne Regimen = Embarrasing Pictures!

Back about four years ago now, I started taking birth control in order to control my crazy, painful periods. Though it took several months the periods improved, and so did my acne! I continued taking the birth control and very quickly forgot about how bad both my periods and my acne was before I was on the birth control. This past August I decided to save the money and quit taking birth control... and boy what a mistake that was!

Before I knew it my body was reminding me of just how bad my periods and my acne were in my pre-birth control days. After months and months of struggling with both, I finally said "Enough!" and decided to go back on birth control.

See, but Mindy doesn't want to wait months until her acne gets better. Therefore, I started searching the internet, hoping to find some good advice on how to get rid of it. I found this site. Basically it's a site about a guy's success story when it comes to getting rid of his acne and what he did. He's got this whole regimen, complete with his own products which you can buy - but you can also just get stuff from wal mart. It sounds just as good as anything else might be, so I decided to try it.

Tonight I bought the rest of the supplies, and am following his plan for the first time (wash face then wait 5-15 minutes... apply 2.5% benzoyl peroxide then wait 5-15 minutes... moisturize) and am officially making this Day One. Maybe this will work, maybe not..but hey, it's worth a shot!

To commemorate the event, here's a before picture of me:

Notice the white red pumps by my nose/lips/mouth? There are also some on my forehead (but hard to see in this picture). My acne has more or less been like this since going off of the birth control... and it's reaked havic on my self esteem. And just for the record, I promise I don't always look this horrible! I also worked today at the zoo and am extremely exhausted and my hair is messy... My fiance comes in about 1 month, so here's to hoping that this new plan works by then to reduce it at least a little! Another thing that sucks? I have acne on my back too! And I LOVE the skin on my back!!!! Before, on the birth control, there was no back acne anymore... we're hoping that being back on the birth control will clear up my back, we'll see. I'm seriously never going off of birth control again unless I plan on getting pregnant.

okay, rant over. I'll keep updating the progress with the acne as time goes on. Mainly because I want to keep track (mostly in pics) to remind myself of how I looked before and after. That way if it does really work, then I can look back when I feel like stopping and be like "hey look, this is what it looked like before!!" or if it doesn't work at all and gets worse I can be like "hey, this is how you looked before, and while you thought that sucked, it wasn't so bad!"

I really hope this is my "here's how bad you looked shot!"

** NOTE: Yes, I do know that a lot of people's acne is worse than mine! I am in no way trying to say my acne is the most horrible thing on the planet...just that I don't like it there and want it to go away.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


After many days of long hours spent sitting in front of my computer, with cramped legs/hips/knees, and a butt which is crying out for relief from my uncomfortable chair - the end of my research project on Animal Experimentation Across Cultures is in sight!!!!!!!

* does a happy dance *

I got off of work early again tonight in order to work on it, and I must say that it was a smart decision! Tonight I finished the section on the use of animals in experiments in Britain (starting in 1822 and going all the way until the present!), and got done with over half of the section on the United States. Unlike Britain Americans were slow getting their butts in motion on the subject of animal experimentation. Starting in 1866 there were several organizations that were founded to fight against animal experimentation, but nothing major happened on the anti-animal experiment stage until the 1940's... that made for some very easy and quick writing! Which makes me happy, after all the details that had to go into Britian.

I am now on the section writing about the Animal Welfare Law and the subsequent amendments in the United States, which will lead me up to present times just about. If all goes well in the morning, I think I can have my paper finished by tomorrow night... or at least the rough draft portion of it. Hopefully I'll get it mostly done tomorrow before class. After class I have to go get my car fixed and will study for my two quizzes on Friday. If I have my paper mostly done in the morning, I can finish it up in the evening between studying for other things. And if I get it done on Thursday than I can finally take a few days break from this stupid computer chair and computer!!!!!

Of course, I still have gobs of other homework and research I need to get done during my "break" from this project over the weekend... but it'll be nice to not think about this paper for a few days. Especially considering I've thought of nothing else ALL.WEEK.LONG. I'm a little "animal experimented out." Then next week I can proofread it by Thursday and turn it in on Friday!

I'm so happy!

But I better get off to bed now, so I can get up early in the morning and work on it. I'd really like to get it done tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Operation: Senior Project - Update

Well, many hours later I can say that I have made good progress. Though it is really slow going I have made it to page 19... of some where more than 25. I have a lot left to go (really a lot) but I feel that if I keep up at the pace I've been going, I'll be able to accomplish my goal of either finishing the writing of it this week or very early next week. It takes a long time to write the stuff, because I'm doing the research at the same time, plus recording sources and citing sources (which is painstaking)... but I'm making progress.

I feel like I can accomplish this all.

oh...and I have to get my car fixed again - to the tune of another $70 - if not more. If things don't stop going wrong soon, I'm going to officially lose my mind.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Update: A Hermit

I had an eye appointment this morning to get some styes removed from my lower right eyelid, which have been there about a month. I got there on time and waited...and waited and waited. Finally, nearly 2 hours after I was supposed to have my appointment I finally see the doctor who tells me, "You'll have to have these removed." No...really? I hadn't realized that when you said before at my last visit "If they don't go away you'll have to have them removed." I said okay and asked if it would interfere with work, as I look at computers. He said probably, and that I should schedule it towards the end of a day when I don't have anything going on. And that was it. So out I went to make ANOTHER appointment!!! Grrrrrr.....

Due to the fact that there is only one day in the evening that also works with the doc's scheduling for me to have the styes removed so I don't have to call in sick to work (and lose my bonus) I'll have to wait another two weeks. :(

I'm just super annoyed. I have a million and one things to do in the next two weeks, and waiting for 2 hours at the doc's today for nothing was not part of my plan. And it doesn't help that I'm so stressed out with school right now... I seriously don't know how I'm going to get things done. I really need to just not work at all and only focus on school right now, but then I wouldn't be able to pay my bills and save money so that I can take off time when Fabian comes. * sigh * It'll be all better in the summer when I'm working full time... but until then money is tight and school is hectic and I just want to cry.

By the way, if no one sees or hears from me in the next few weeks, I promise that I didn't die. I'm just hiding in my apartment trying in vain to get everything done. I'm officially panicking.

Just Keep Swimming...

Remember Finding Nemo when Dory sings "Just keep swimming...Just keep swimming.." ?? Well that, my friends..is my new motto. Except "swimming" has been changed to "writing" and I use it to remind myself to just keep working on my ISM project in every waking minute I have free..in order to get it done on time...

And so I sing...

"Just keep writing... Just keep writing... Just keep writing, writing, writing..."

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Yesterday was my third day this week of work at the zoo, which I enjoyed. I worked with someone who once was the lead keeper and I got the chance to learn a lot of new things about my job.

She spent the entire day working in what we call the Jensen Center, making it really clean - which I don't mind at all. I did most everything else, and it worked for us yesterday. Of course the only down side is that today I am exhausted. Even more exhausted than usual. I just want to sleep for another three hours....

Tomorrow I go in to have the styes on my lower inner eyelid removed. :( I'm happy to get them gone finally (they're sort of annoying) but the idea of anyone doing something so close to my eye makes me slightly worried.

And now off I go to not fall asleep as I drive to work this morning. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Operation: Senior Project

I took off of work 7 hours early today.

Why? Because I have 15 more pages of my senior project for International Studies to write, proofread and turn in by the end of March and if I don't do it now, I don't know when I'll have time.

I'm calling it "Operation: Senior Project" - let the operation begin.

For later reference I started at 11:10 am... let's see how long it takes me.

Friday, March 09, 2007

A New 'Do

This morning I decided I finally had enough. As soon as I got home from class, I called up the local hair school, where a friend of mine works and got an appointment. About ten dollars later, here's how I turned out:

For those of you who haven't seen me every day for a while, you probably won't appreciate the change. I have this horrible habit of going about 6 or 7 months between cuts or trims or anything... so when I go in, I really need it. Needless to say, I feel much better!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

That's Disgusting

After waking up this morning and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I slowly dragged myself to the kitchen, where a bowl of cereal and some nice cold milk were poured into my bowl. I took the cereal to the table and sat down, determined to study hard for my exam that is in three hours.

Part of my exam covers parasites and this is the section that still needs to be studied the most, so I started looking through my notes and book. It didn't take long before looking at pictures of human parasites finally got to me and I realized something:

studying parasites + eating = the urge to throw up


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Excercise = Energy!!

Today was my second, and last day with a personal trainer at our on campus gym. On the one hand I'm happy to see the end of it and excited to start "owning" my own work out session (i.e. not having someone watch over me) but on the other hand I'm scared because we only ran through my leg work out today and I have never done half of the upper body ones. Granted this is my own choice, because I only bought two sessions with the trainer and there's always someone around I can ask... but still. My first day on arms (Thursday) should be interesting.

On the bright side though, I feel wonderfully energized! :) Today we did my lower body, along with some abs and then I did half an hour on a bike and I don't feel tired or shaky, but energized. I feel like I could go jog a mile with no problems... and it's a wonderful feeling.

Here is a review of my working out in the last week:

Wednesday February 28 -
* Time: 10 - 10:40
* What: Ran through basic machines and excercises once with personal trainer. No Cardio.
* How I felt: Energized afterwards.

Friday March 2 -
* Time: 1:00 - 1:30
* What: Cardio for half an hour on the eliptical machine.
* How I felt: Energized.

Sunday March 3 -
* Time: 6:30 - 7:00 pm
* What: Cardio for half an hour on a bike. Used Cross Country setting (up and down hills).
* How I felt: Engerized.

Tuesday March 6 -
* Time: 7:00 - 8:10 pm
* What: Lower body weights, 1/2 hour on bike using cross country setting.
* How I felt: Energized

There you have it! :) I'm so proud of myself for sticking with it so far. I worked out one day too, a long time ago on a treadmill for half an hour at 6 in the morning and while it was nice to not have many people around at that time, I was exhausted the rest of the day and I didn't feel energized. I think afternoon/evening is going to be a better work out time for me (even though I like the idea of mornings still). Here's to a more fit me!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

soooooooooooooo pretty

Tonight I bought speakers for my computer, so that I could actually hear things from my new computer. I bought Altec Lansing computers, one with a subwoofer (just a little one) and while I know there are better sound systems (much better) this one is wonderful... and soooooooooooooo pretty.

I keep playing random music and movies and things and saying over and over again "It just sounds so pretty!"

New Computer is definitely worth it. :D

Friday, March 02, 2007

100th Post - Blizzard, Schmizzard

35 mile per hour winds sustained for three hours or more is the official definition of a blizzard. Such high winds cause snow to blow around, making visibility poor - especially in open areas. Add that to still falling snow and accumulations in the last week around 2 feet in some areas, and that my friends is what Fargo, North Dakota looks like on this first Friday in March.

The bad weather conditions have caused all area schools to close down for the day and for the officials to advise no travel in North Dakota or to the twin cities in Minnesota. Despite all of this, my college has not closed and is in full operation today.

Of course, this is the school that has still had class despite -50 degree temperatures and has only closed down for a full day once in the last three and a half years. That time the snow was so bad that the interstates were closed down.

Call me crazy, but isn't a blizzard a good enough reason to cancel school for one day of the year?

Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's Here!!!

My new computer is here and it is very pretty. It has a Windows Vista system on it, and while it seems sort of weird right now, but I'm sure it'll grow on me even more! :)

As I sit here typing this we are 45 minutes away from there being a blizzard. Or we're at least 45 minutes away from being in a blizzard warning. We've gotten eight or more inches already in the last 24 hours and are expecting just as much in the next 24 hours, plus the wind is picking up tonight too... it'll make for great conditions - well, great for those of us who get school canceled tomorrow. I don't know yet if that includes me, but a girl can hope.

One of the things I like about Vista is the sidebar on the desktop. It is customizable and I have it including the local weather, a calender, and a notepad. On the notepad I can write myself a little note - right now it says "Cell Bio!!!!" so I don't forget to finish my cell biology homework tomorrow if we have school or this weekend if we don't have school.

My computer was definitely worth the money that I paid for it. It's pretty. :)