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Sunday, January 28, 2007

What a Life

Last night I checked into Pracs, a medical testing facility, in order to participate in a study and make myself $1,100 to pay off my credit card/tuition/books with. I stayed there overnight, was bored out of my mind, slept horribly and somehow survived the "chicken breast" (that wasn't really chicken, I swear)...only to find out this morning (when the study officially started) that I was an extra person and would not be participating. I earned $75.00 for staying overnight and was sent home.

The unfortunate part is that no other studies work out for me, and very well will not work out for me anymore. Freshmen year I tried to participate in weekend studies and the first time, I was told the wrong time for my screening, so I missed the appointment and couldn't do the study. That same year I signed up for another one, but my car's tire was mysteriously flat (guy at the shop said it was perfectly fine, just flat) so I couldn't get to my screening or do the study. This past fall I got into a dermatology one, which involved no blood draws and that went just fine. Then I got into this study, got my schedule rearranged for it for the two weekends and everything worked out great - until they told me to go home this morning because I was extra. There was no medical reason I couldn't participate, I was just extra. Somehow I'm thinking that I'm not supposed to do the studies where they draw blood. Which stinks, cause they pay a lot. But maybe in March something will work out - maybe even just a dermatology study with no blood draws.

The fortunate part is that I get to sleep in my own bed, don't have to sleep horribly at Pracs again, and don't have to be bored out of my mind and lonely despite being surrounded by people there. The other fortunate part is that now I can start working out like I wanted to. Tomorrow I go to sign up for a physical evaluation...

Then today I spent hours and hours trying to come up with a research topic for my animal physiology class, only to come up to brick walls every time I would start thinking I was getting somewhere. Already bummed about my lack of a large sum of money I was hoping to get, the frustration of this project got to be too much - so I screamed and yelled at my computer and cried frustrated tears.... and then I decided to do a project on food intake regulation of vertebrates. That'll be one exciting project, let me tell you.

And on the subject of that class, the textbook I ordered for it from the internet never arrived... so I am textbookless and trying to file a claim through E-Bay to get my $65.00 back, which so far isn't go too well. The seller claims she sent it to my address, which is 100% correct (I checked a hundred times) so I'm not sure what happened. Lost in the mail I guess. And now I'm having problems filing the claim. So I wrote an e-mail to the help desk, hopefully they answer soon.

Then I decided to list some books from last semester on Amazon to sell, and put the prices just under the lowest price of another seller (aren't I mean?). When I went to check back on them a couple of hours later, they were already sold! I'm going to ship them tomorrow, then soon I'll have a nice $85.00 check in my bank account. Amazon takes a bigger chunk of commission than some other sites do, but at least it sold fast (the other site I used never listed my books on their market place I don't think, so my books never sold there).

And I applied for a secret shopper service online, so we'll see what happens with that. Don't worry, it's not the kind you have to pay for. I got a tip from someone I know about it, but I'll let everyone know how it works out. It'd be nice to just get reimbursed for spending money I would spend anyways if possible...we'll see.

In Summary:
* Lost out on $1100 because I couldn't participate in the study... :'(
* Get paid $75.00 for the overnight stay... :)
* Make $85.00 for old textbooks... :)
* Sign up to be a secret shopper and potentially make more money... :)
* Get to start working out... :)

All in all, I guess it'll be alright. God will give me the money I need somehow (he's given me some already)...guess He's trying to teach me to trust Him.

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