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Monday, January 01, 2007

Christmas and New Years Recap


Christmas went well...I got to spend time with family, some of which I haven't seen since before I left for Germany in the summer of 2005. I also got all the things I really wanted.

After Christmas hasn't gone so well. I got sick from my step-brother over christmas, and it set in on 12-29 (Friday)...I called in sick to work that day and saturday. Sunday I worked 6 of my 9 hours, and thankfully today and tomorrow I have off anyways, so I don't haave to try to force myself into working. The downside of this is that I was sick over new years and not up to drive home to my family. Which stunk, since we had made plans for new years a year ago when I was still in Germany.

So guess who spent New Years alone? Me! Why, you ask? Cause I was sick so I couldn't go home, not to mention the weather was bad so driving would have been not good even if I was healthy. And because all my friends are at home for the winter break, except one or two who spent last night at a bar most likely. Something about going to a bar and being sick, just doesn't sound appealing. My cousin may have been up here too, but I didn't call her..cause I was feeling sick and was tired enough to go to sleep at eight last night. Yep...eight o'clock. I woke up when my fiance called me, and then when my mom called me at midnight to wish me a happy new years. And that was it until about six this morning.

It was miserable. I've never spent New Years alone, and it sucked to do so. I was accepting of the fact that I wouldn't see my fiance for christmas or new years, making this our first holiday season since we've been together (3 years) apart. That I accepted, even though it made christmas and new years less happy. Instead I had plans with family for christmas and new years, to keep my mind off of missing my fiance. Christmas worked according to plan. Then being stuck alone for new years (especially cause I really wanted to be with family/friends for it), blew it and I was a wreck. I watched a couple of movies...and went to sleep at eight. And in all honesty - I cried. A lot.

I know that God has plans for everything, and that it was good I was sick yesterday. Had I been healthy, I probably would have tried to go home in bad weather and that could have ended very badly. But it was still the worst new years ever. Bah humbug.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry you are feeling sick Mindy. I hope you are better soon. We will have to get together and do something fun when we all come back in a week.

Mindy said...

For sure!!!