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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Good Arguments

In the last week, I have learned that arguing and being adamant about what you feel is right, is key to getting your way.

In situation number one, I was about to lose my December bonus at my job, due to an absence. I felt this unfair, since I had come into work and done everything I thought I needed to in order to be able to go home early. According to management, I didn't so I should not get my bonus for that month. I argued it and gave them my opinion adamantly, stated my reasoning and got my manager to talk to her manager and HR. In the end, they agreed with me and I got my bonus.

In situation number two, I found out that I overdrafted my checking account and now would have to pay a thirty-one dollar charge. Now, I pay very close attention to my account. Sometimes even checking it three or four times a day because I use my check card often. The other day I had checked it, and after it had taken off all of my purchases, I had 2.90 left. So I let myself get a taco for lunch for 1.90. Upon going home I learned that my account still had over four dollars in it (after my taco purchase). A bit confused, I didn't think too much of it, until I went to deposit funds yesterday and I was told that I had a negative balance. So today I called and talked to the bank, adamantly (and calmy) asserting the fact that I pay close attention to my account and their internet site had screwed up - I shouldn't be responsible for that. Then I got transfered to someone else, higher up. I'm not sure if the other guy told the new person the situation or what, but she agreed to take the charge off of my account without me having to argue with her really at all. I think it helps that I have a student account technically.

Final Score:
Mindy - 2
People who try to take my money - 0

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