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Wednesday, January 17, 2007


This year a small group has been started through Intervarsity (a christian group on campus that I've attended when I could since I started this place called college), that has grown into quite a large group. The group has an international focus.... we meet every Monday and play games and just hang out. It's a christian group, but not meant to preach - just meant to be a place for people to feel loved and accepted.

Last semester I only attended a few times, but this semester I've been to a Monday night thing, and I went to a prayer group tonight for it, and am meeting with them on Saturday for dinner. It's just been awesome to start to get to know some of these people better and to get to meet all the international students that come. It's been a really big blessing in my life and I really hope to continue to be able to go.

I just thought I'd share. :)

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