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Sunday, January 14, 2007


Can someone turn the tv on for me? Please? I could do it myself, but I had a hard day at the zoo and I'm cold from being outside, which isn't my fault that God made me love winter but have a small cold tolerance...and well I'm sitting here in my chair and I'm decently warm but I would really like the tv turned on. And since my tv is pre-remote era that means that I have to get up to turn it on, but it's just. so. far. away. (Seriously - a whole 5 feet. Maybe 7 tops.) So, if someone could come over here and turn it on for me, I'd be forever greatful. Oh, and why your at it could you heat up some chicken noodle soup for me and make me a sandwhich? And as long as your here, find me some energy too please. Cause I would really like to be productive and do homework or the dishes or something. I'm really in the mood to be productive, but my brain just can't make me body move. It's too exhausted.

You'd think I'd start to get used to working at the zoo by now. Nope. I'm still exhausted after a day's work. I'll just wait here until someone comes to turn my tv on. So take your time. I'll wait.

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