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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My Last Beginning

The first day of my last semester as a college student is officially over. And wow, what a semester it's going to be. ...

Why? Oh, because of this little thing called 21 credits. Yep, that's right. 21 credits, a 20+ hour a week job, and an internship. Can we say, I won't come out of this alive? (For those of you who don't know, a full time student has 12 credits, most people take 15 or 16).

It shouldn't be nearly as bad as I make it out to sound, just so long as I stay on top of things. My classes are spread out by about one to two hour blocks of time. That means I get a block of time to focus on some homework, and then about the time I'm getting tired of that subject, it's time to go to class. Going home between classes is difficult this semester though. By time I travel home and back to class, I'm only there about an hour and a half. Which is totally worth it, but I also know that if I go home it means I will find something more distracting than homework. Therefore I've decided to stay on campus between class and use the time to study.

Here are my classes:

* Invertebrate Zoology - study of invertebrates (like bugs, mollusks, etc) - 4 Credits
* Animal Physiology - study of animal organs and stuff - 3 Credits
* Cell Biology - study of the cell - 3 credits
* Folklore Seminar - a research class. I get to pick a topic and do a paper on it. - 3 credits.
* Anthropology - intro anthropology (study of humans) class, I take it online - 3 credits
* International Studies Senior Project - I research and write a 25+ page research paper on a topic of my choice on my own time. My topic is animal rights. - 2 credits
* Senior Seminar - Seminar for Zoology. I research, write and present a research paper.

Seven courses. four of them will have finals and tests throughout the semester, three of them are just research papers. That means lots of time in the library for me. Right now I'm focussing on my ISM Project. :)

Here's to a last semester full of hard work and great rewards (graduating college is the reward)!

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