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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Cold Survival

The windchill as I sit here typing this is -31 F (-35 C). With predicted windchills which are just as cold for the next several days, I thought I could pass on a few things I've learned about surviving the cold...

Lesson #1 - Do you know those cute little buttons that you can use to unlock your car? Use it. Don't have one? Then you're answer is simple...just don't lock your car. I am not kidding. It may only take you thirty seconds to unlock your car, but those are thirty seconds that you could have been sitting in your car, where it is much warmer.

Lesson #2 - By a hat and wear the hat. Everyday. Yes you will have hat hair, and yes I promise you will get over it. Hat hair is better than the cold you will feel otherwise. Also buy a scarf and wear the scarf. Wrap it up and hide every part of your face you possibly can while still being able to see behind it. No one needs to see anything but your eyes. Yes, you will probably not look so cute. But no one cares when the temperature is -31 degrees outside. I just ran from a building, to my car - then drove my car for five minutes - and ran from my car to a building, without a hat or scarf. Total time outside: 2 minutes (plus a couple minutes driving in my car but that was warmer). I have been sitting in my apartment for at least 15 minutes now, and my cheeks are still burning from the cold. This is why you need a scarf.

Lesson #3 - Run. Yes you may look stupid. But when it's really cold outside due to the windchill, run to your car/the building/anything else that will block the wind. Why? Because sitting in your car is so much warmer than walking in the wind.

Lesson #4 - Dress in layers. How many layers? As many as you can. Invest in some long johns - even the five dollar ones at Wal-Mart make a HUGE difference. Okay I know, totally unattractive. But once again, no one cares. And for the top, dress in layers. Put on a tank top, then a t-shirt, then a long sleeve shirt, then a hoodie/sweatshirt, then a jacket, then hat/gloves/scarves....you'll be warm.

Lesson #5 - Let your car warm up a bit if you can. Even if you have to sit in your car a minute or two while it's really cold. Why? Cause that squeeling noise it makes when it's really cold and you make it drive probably isn't healthy for it.

Lesson #6 - Drink lots of warm liquids.

Lesson #7 - Hibernate until the cold goes away if at all possible.

Lesson #8 - Embrace the beautifully cold winter. Because there's nothing else quite like it. And you may complain, but maybe like me you'll realize someday when you no longer have such cold, snowy, wonderful winters anymore just how much you love them. Even if they are really really cold.

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