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Monday, January 08, 2007

It Starts

And it has officially begun.

No, not school (that's tomorrow) - applying for jobs after graduation.

The last couple of days have marked the beginning of sorting through job opportunities, creating resumes and cover letters, and getting three letters of recommendations together. I must say I feel overwhelmed already.

So far I have a list of five or six places I want to apply to, both for internships and jobs. My plan is to apply anywhere I'm remotely interested in, and hope that one of them decides to hire me.

Tomorrow I have an appointment to go over my resume and cover letter at the career center. Hopefully they'll give me some good tips. Later this week I'm sending off my first official application packets - at least I'm sending them if I get all my letters of recommendation soon enough.

Wish me luck! I'm embarking on a new scary world..

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