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Sunday, January 21, 2007


There's a deal at Cashwise this week for 5 Quaker products for $10.00...combined with a coupon from them for $3.00 off of 5 Quaker products, that makes the deal $7.00 for 5 products - which translates into $1.40 each!!!

So what did I do?

I chose 3 boxes of Life cereal, 1 box of Oatmeal Squares (a type of cereal) and your normal sized container of Quaker oatmeal.

To top it off the free item for a purchase of $50.00 or more is a box of Cap'n Crunch.

That makes it 5 boxes of cereal for $5.60!!!! Usually I can get a small box of cereal that lasts about two days for $1 or a bigger box of plain corn flake type cereal for $1.50, but usually I spend $2 for a box of cereal. Now I have five! :) And good, expensive cereal too! :)

I also am now stocked up on meat (lots of chicken and pork), noodles, rice, fruit, veggies, peanut butter, butter and milk. And I get to make 3 new recipes from my cookbooks that I got for Christmas! Basically, you could say I'm well stocked. I won't have to buy any groceries except milk, bread and lunch meat for a long time. It's the little things in life that make me happy.

Oh, and I made well over my goal of money to pay for debt this month!!! That means other than the Pracs money I get in February, I won't have to pay any money towards debt in February! Well, unless we buy my fiance's plane ticket on my credit card (which we probably will), then there's that, but other people are pitching in to help me as my graduation/birthday/everything gift, so I'll get reimbursed. I'm so excited!

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