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Saturday, August 18, 2007

News Update

Several items of important news today:

1. My brother complained last night about how his wisdom tooth is growing. I commented how mine will sometimes grow in for awhile, then stop growing. I woke up today, to one of my wisdom teeth growing in again - and the pain has just gotten worse all day. That's just my luck. ;)

2. I finally did two things I needed to get done today - sorted & organized my scrapping paper/supplies, and found pictures that I still need for my Germany scrap book (yep, still working on it). You see, the pages for the book are done, the pictures just have to be developed and put on the pages in their spots. I have several pages that need pictures from snapfish.com, which I have put into my shopping cart and just need to be ordered as soon as I am in Texas and have my right address to send them to. But I have 10 more pages that cannot be completed, because I am missing pictures. Most of those pictures should all be on the same CD or even in the same folder...but when I took all my pictures from my lap top to CDs, I think I lost a CD or some of them didn't get transferred properly. Which means that I may never be able to finish my book completely - which is really sad. I need to go through any other CDs I can find (if there are more CDs, they are hiding from me - I just moved and can't remember finding more CDs anywhere). Hopefully they are there some where... :'(

3. I don't work at any other job except the one in Texas anymore!!! We leave on the 22nd! :)

4. Even though there are some pictures missing from my scrap book, I'm proud of myself for sitting down, and finally doing something I've been putting off for weeks. It'll feel so good when my scrap book is finally done - or at least done as much as it can be. Once I'm in Texas, my next goal is to sort through my Chahinkapa Zoo pictures, and print those off to start working on that book. I have all the paper, letters, extras, and book that I need for it...all that's left is the photos to be developed and chosen.

That's all from my news tonight. Have a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bummer about the tooth, I had mine cut out right after HS. I have never had to deal with that, though I am sure Eli can relate, he just cut 4 teeth at once! Congrats at getting the scrapbook organized, it is a good feeling, itsn't it?

Email me (or write me) when you get your new address. I have something I have been saving for you, so that you get mail at your new home.
