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Friday, August 31, 2007

My Arch Enemy - NABISCO!

Yes, that's right. I officially have an arch nemesis. What is it? Anything made by Nabisco.

You see, one of the volunteers here in Texas works for Nabisco. And since they get free product every week, he shares it with us here in the Vet Center (name of the building I live in).

So it sits there on the counter and/or in the cupboard staring at me. I stare back and think of the fruit I have to eat in the fridge/bedroom/cupboard that is sooooo much healthier for me. I'm about to turn and grab the fruit, when the Nabisco products start talking to me...

"Mmmm..look how good and tasty I am! These chocolate chip cookies would taste so delicious dipped in some nice, cold milk! So good, they'd practically melt in your mouth. Or maybe you want something saltier? These crackers would taste delicious, especially paired with the easy cheese in the cupboard. You know you want some... everybody's been having some! Don't you want just a little nibble? I promise we won't hurt you..."

And on and on they go..until I just. can't. resist.

Nabisco is my worst enemy. Let it be known Nabisco snacks - you may win a battle here and there, but I will win the war!

p.s. don't worry - I promise I'm not crazy.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


... I survived last night - without a spider or a DREAM about spiders!!! I'm soo very proud of myself!

Okay, now all bug matters aside, things here are going well. My first day was a little shakey, cause I felt out of place and didn't know what to do. I made it to Wal-Mart for some needed supplies and did a bunch of other errands with the director. Then later that evening I met a guy in the air force down here who comes and helps out. He's nice and I watched him butcher cows - and admittedly turned down the offer of doing it myself. Maybe next time.

That was Monday, Tuesday I didn't do too much. Went with to water the cats once, went with to do medicine for the cats, and sat around a bunch. I felt bad and really lost most the day, but in the evening I had a talk with the director, who explained that she's been crazy with a million other things and also doesn't want to explain everything twice - once to me, and once when the other intern for the fall gets here. So, she's going to wait for a while to explain stuff and let me take it a little easier for now. Since that talk I've felt better.

Today I went with another woman who volunteers here, and did medications for the cats. Then later watered the cats - all by myself! Afterwards I helped the director and another volunteer clean pens, which is hard work in the 95+ degree weather and high humidity. Ate a very quick lunch during a brief break, then we finished cleaning pens for today and I had a 1.5 hour break while the director did errands. I ate some dinner and relaxed on the couch. Once she got back we fed meat to some of the cats, then I went and did water again for all the cats. Finally, at about 8 pm, my day was over and I hopped in the shower quick before going over to the director's place (she lives on site too with her 3 kids) for dinner that was made by yet a different volunteer. After dinner was over I headed back home, but stopped on the way to watch lightening in a storm a little ways off (it was georgous) and ended up chit-chatting with the volunteer who made dinner. Actually, he ended up doing the talking, and I just nodded a bunch.

So there you have my first few days! Exciting isn't it? Work here happens around the clock. The director doesn't take a minute to do anything for herself, not even eat food, and I'm amazed that she has the stamina to do that day after day after day. I can do things for people and work hard, but I also have to have time for me. Especially food - if I don't eat regularly I feel miserable, so I always make time to eat something. She doesn't even stop for that! There are no set work hours, just whenever things need to get done.

All the volunteers and everyone who comes around here are super nice, and definitely like a big family. Sometimes that's a little frightening...and it's likely there will come times when it gets to be too much, but it's also nice to feel accepted. The cats here are phenomonal. They are happy, healthy, loving, amazing, beautiful.... just awesome. I'm working on all their names still and we're still working on getting to know each other (them me, and me them) but it's going good. None of them seem to hate me at least. :)

That's about all for tonight. I could go on and on about the georgous African lions, the tiger who loves water sprayed into her/his? mouth, and how cool it is to sleep in the room next to cats...but this post is already long and those things are best left to another day.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Yep, the spiders are still big.

Just thought I'd let you all in on that little detail. I do okay with the bugs during the day...but I'm creeped out by the thought that they could bite me in my sleep. Which is why I dreamed about spiders all night last night and slept horribly.

On the bright side, I do know this is just mental. There are only 2 poisonious spiders here, and both prefer to stay in their webs and will only bite if disturbed. Although you could die from their bites, it is very rare that people do. As long as I'm careful, there is no reason why I should ever be bitten by one - and it's possible I'll never even see one while I'm in Texas. And even if I do get bite by one - it's not like it'll kill me.

But honestly - just the thought of them creeps me out. It's not that I'm afraid to die...spiders are just creepy; especially the poisonous kind. I felt I was doing better this evening, until I thought I saw a spider in the house (I saw something move, but it blended in well with the carpet when it didn't move) while watching a movie. I went to find something to kill it with, came back and it was gone. Now I'm creeped out by it. I'm exhausted, but don't want to go to bed...because it's creepy.

Once again, I realize it's all mental...people have lived with spiders for how long? Obviously, they still survive and still choose to live in places with these nasty creatures. Surely I can do this for three and a half months. It's amazing how even though I know it's all a mental thing..it still bothers me. I'm sure I'll adjust with time. I'm just paranoid because I'm not used to all the bugs and spiders here. Maybe when I go to sleep tonight I'll put on music to take my mind off of it.

Oh, and if anyone has any advice to share - please feel free to share!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Today I Learned

Things I learned today during my first day at CARE:

1. I'm going to be working really really hard for the next three months.

2. The director has three kids, who get to grow up living in a place with over 50 large cats. That's so incredibly cool, but they act like it's no big deal.

3. Life around this place can get pretty crazy and pretty busy. The director started to tell me that everyday isn't as crazy as today was, but stopped mid-sentence and corrected herself by saying, "Oh wait, yes it is."

4. It's hot in Texas (okay okay, I knew that already).

5. They have really really really big bugs - big spiders (HUGE!), big grasshoppers, big crickets...

6. They have not nice bugs - red ants, fire ants, yellow jackets, brown recluse spiders, black widows, rattlers...

7. The thing I thought I would not like the most - the bugs - is so far what I don't like the most. I don't mind bugs as much as other people, but they're so big here and they're everywhere! Hopefully, I'll get more used to them.

8. I get to sleep right next door to a tiger and a cougar!

9. There are tigers that you see when you look out my bedroom window!

10. There are cute deer who live here at the cat place- and they are super cute, and super friendly.

That is just a spattering of what I learned today on my first day. Everyone here is like a family, the kids accepted me right away, the director is super nice, and so far so is everyone else I met today. The cats are all very happy and very healthy, something that is attributed to their style of holistic feeding. This means they cut a whole cow/horse/etc up and feed the parts to the cats. From what I can tell so far, I would say they must be doing something right - these animals are so happy! :)

Well, that's all from me tonight. I need to go dry my hair still, and curl into my bed while trying not to think about the big bugs here in Texas.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Texas: Three Days Later

It's been about three days since we arrived in Texas, and it's been quite a fun time! On Friday we headed off to the Dallas Zoo, where our admission was free! Knowing that zoos will often give discounts on admission to zookeepers from other zoos, I went up to the membership window and told them that I was a zookeeper and was wondering if they had any discounts for zookeepers. The woman asked me how many were with me, I said three total- and she gave us free admission! The zoo itself was nice, though their restaurant choices left a little to be desired. After the zoo, we went back to the hotel to relax a bit, then later headed downtown, where we saw this georgous fountain!

On Saturday we headed to Heritage Village, which is supposed to be a great living history village from the late 1800s. The picture at the left is a portion of the village, known as main street. Being as I love living history places, I was all excited to go. Unfortunately, when we got there, we learned that there are only actors present during certain months of the year - not including Auugust. We did still go through the village and the museum aspect of it was interesting, but over all a bit disappointing considering I expected living history. Afterwards we went to the West End District of downtown, where we saw the 6th Floor Museum in the Book Depository, where the sniper who shot JFK was perched on that fateful day back in the 1960's. There was a lot of info about JFK's life, the day of the murder, and the investigations afterwards, but not much talk of the conspiracies - surprise surprise. We saw the window where Lee Harvey Oswald stood to shoot JFK exactly how it looked the day it happened. Once done downtown, we headed to a new hotel in Fort Worth, Texas; our last one had been horribly disappointing. Once settled into our new hotel, we went to Mexican Inn, where we ordered authentic and delicious Mexican food, bought hand-blown glass cups imported from Mexico, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

On Sunday, today, we went to the Stockyard Exchange, in Fort Worth. While there we saw a cattle drive, a gun fight reenactment (there we are in a picture with the outlaws of the fight at left), cowboy/indian actors, and lots of shops. Afterwards we came back to the hotel to enjoy a relaxing afternoon. A vacation from our vacation, as it were. :)

Tomorrow we head off to CARE, where I will be living and interning for the next 3.5 months! I'm nervous, excited, anxious, and happy all at the same time. I loved our vacation, but I'm ready to get settled into my new home and I can't wait to meet everyone there! I'll let you all know how it goes! To the left is a picture of my sister, mom and me in Colombia!

Thursday, August 23, 2007


We have officially arrived in Texas. It's hot here.

We left home in Minnesota on Wednesday a few minutes after five in the morning, the car loaded down with all of my things. After a quick stop at McDonalds, we were on our way south, excited at the trip before us. After skirting around the Bridge Collapse area, we hopped on I-35 south and headed for Iowa, then Missouri.

Once in Missouri we turned and went east, until we reached Columbia, where a friend of mine from Germany is studying as an exchange student for this academic year! We hadn't seen eachother since July of 2006, but when we saw each other again, it felt like no time had passed at all. Immediately we began chit chatting in German, as I led her out to the car to meet my mom and sister (who are accompying me on this trip). Once they were introduced, we did switch and start speaking English, and we chit chatted about culture shock and various other topics throughout a stroll in downtown Colombia and dinner at a Texas Steakhouse. After dinner we stopped by Staples to use up a gift card my mom had recieved from her work for Christmas, and then dropped off my mom and sister back at the hotel. Silvia and I grabbed the car, headed to the mall, and wandered around, talking again in German. I was so happy to be able to see her again and speak German, and she was ecstatic to have someone there she knew (she just arrived in Columbia recently) and to be able to speak German with someone as well. Eventually I dropped her off at her dorm and headed back to our hotel room for a short night's rest, before getting up again at five-thirty AM (sleeping in from yesterday though) for another long drive.

Today we drove back through Missouri to Kansas, then Oklahoma, before finally getting to Dallas. After about 12 hours in the car, we reached our hotel here (where they have wireless internet - woo hoo!), and are relaxing after a hard-days drive. Tomorrow we head off to the zoo, then other sight seeing on Saturday and Sunday. On Monday we head off to my internship at CARE - and I'm super excited!

If anyone is interested, the CARE website has recently been updated (and it looks wonderful!) and you can view it at www.bigcatcare.org. If you click on Programs at the left, you'll find a link to the internships. Eventually I imagine my picture will be up under the fall 2007 internship area towards the bottom, and there are pictures of where I'll be staying, as well as an explanation of what some of my duties will be! CARE does a lot of research with National Geogrpahic, and there is a special called Prehistoric Predators: Wolf, that will be aired on the National Geographic channel on August 25th, at 8 pm (I think). The last 20 minutes contains the research and taping done at CARE, and some of the spring/summer internships are featured.

I'll update again in a few days most likely! I hope everyone is having a great week!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Tomorrow is the big day!

Texas, here I come!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

News Update

Several items of important news today:

1. My brother complained last night about how his wisdom tooth is growing. I commented how mine will sometimes grow in for awhile, then stop growing. I woke up today, to one of my wisdom teeth growing in again - and the pain has just gotten worse all day. That's just my luck. ;)

2. I finally did two things I needed to get done today - sorted & organized my scrapping paper/supplies, and found pictures that I still need for my Germany scrap book (yep, still working on it). You see, the pages for the book are done, the pictures just have to be developed and put on the pages in their spots. I have several pages that need pictures from snapfish.com, which I have put into my shopping cart and just need to be ordered as soon as I am in Texas and have my right address to send them to. But I have 10 more pages that cannot be completed, because I am missing pictures. Most of those pictures should all be on the same CD or even in the same folder...but when I took all my pictures from my lap top to CDs, I think I lost a CD or some of them didn't get transferred properly. Which means that I may never be able to finish my book completely - which is really sad. I need to go through any other CDs I can find (if there are more CDs, they are hiding from me - I just moved and can't remember finding more CDs anywhere). Hopefully they are there some where... :'(

3. I don't work at any other job except the one in Texas anymore!!! We leave on the 22nd! :)

4. Even though there are some pictures missing from my scrap book, I'm proud of myself for sitting down, and finally doing something I've been putting off for weeks. It'll feel so good when my scrap book is finally done - or at least done as much as it can be. Once I'm in Texas, my next goal is to sort through my Chahinkapa Zoo pictures, and print those off to start working on that book. I have all the paper, letters, extras, and book that I need for it...all that's left is the photos to be developed and chosen.

That's all from my news tonight. Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Here I am at Chahinkapa zoo, carrying our boa constrictor Tess (whose a he, not a she). He isn't full grown yet, but he is absolutely gorgeous, isn't he? His scales are softer than most would think, and there's just something awesome about working with such a powerful snake. You can also catch me in my normal zoo garb - cut off shorts, old t-shirt, and a bottle of mace tied to my belt loop (usually it's on a belt, but I had forgotten my belt that day). The mace is grizzly bear strength, an dis there on the off chance I get attacked by any of our animals. This day we had given snake talks, so I got to hold Tess several times... one of the perks about my job! Err..my old job... :)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

WE Fest

Well, I've survived my first few days of WE Fest..and I'll probably survive my third, and final, day too! I spend my days inside a ticket booth, dealing with customers through a window lined with chicken wire. It's a good thing too..most people are so drunk, they just smell horrid! So far I have seen people passed out, been bribed with $50.00 to give someone an over-21-wristband (of course I didn't take it), been flirted with to get cheaper ticketes (didn't work), been sworn at, been called strict (this with a laugh from them, becaus I quiz everyone on their IDs -we've had plenty of fake ones come through), and all in all been thoroughly amused by how incredibly stupid people are when they spend a weekend drinking nonstop.

How has your weekend been?

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Goodbye College Life, Hello Real Life

So much has happened since I last wrote on here, I apologize for my lack of updating. The two most important things that have happened are that I no longer work at the zoo or at Pepsi. This past Sunday was my last day at the zoo. I wasn't as sad as I expected to be, but I was pretty depressed for a couple hours in the middle of the day. I lost my watch though, unfortunately. :'( My last day at Pepsi was on Tuesday - and that was a great feeling. Pepsi is the job I hated more than any other job I've ever had. I can't stand working with crabby customers all day long.. it just wore on me. But I've never had so many friends and coworkers that I get along with, as I did at Pepsi - which was a great feeling. I left there with a page and a half of e-mail addresses from people to keep in touch. I was told I'd be missed...it's nice to be missed by coworkers.

Yesterday I spent my day with friends, today I spent it getting my affairs in order. There's only the electric company and a loan company I have to call now, then my affairs are financially in order. Which is scary - it always is when you figure out bills. But I'm sure it'll all work out; it always does. This evening I have to go run a bunch of errands, then pack, pick up my bridesmaid dress and drop it off at home, then go to DL, which is a town nearby that is hosting a country music festival this weekend. I'll be working there Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Then I'll be home a few days before heading home to work with my mom/be in my friends wedding. Then it'll be back to Fargo for a day before moving out the rest of the way, and going home. I'll work with mom a few more days, visit family..then it'll be OFF TO TEXAS!

I'm super excited about finally leaving my college hometown of Fargo - and with it the "college life." I'll be doing an unpaid internship, so life won't be completely "real world" yet...but it's my first big step in the direction of adulthood... although I supposed I'm already an adult. I'm excited, nervous, anxious, excited... and ready to embark on my adventure. My mom, sister, and I will be driving down together, but once they leave it'll be just me. My family will be further away then ever before. Even when I was in Germany, I had Fabian there with me - and he is my family. Here in the states, the rest of my family are 3 hours away. In Texas, the rest of my family will be 2 days away. And Fabian is still in Germany. I think Texas will be a time for me to grow and expand, to learn a lot, to further my career, and to excel...

Goodbye College Life...

Hello Real Life!