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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

That's cool

Before I went to Germany, I acquired various german music which I only ever partially understood. While in Germany I lost my desire to listen to it, and for the first time tonight I've listened to German music (that I have on my CDs - I obviously heard German music while in Germany).

The first song would be basically German rap. It was hard to understand and I think they used more dialect that I didn't understand, so nothing with this song changed much.

Ahh.. but fast forward to the next German song, and I actually understood 99.9% of it! This would be equivalent to hearing an american song on the radio, where you just can't understand a few of the words.

It had never dawned on me before today that now I could understand these songs I always tried to understand before I left.

That's totally cool.

P.S. This is the last week of the semester - thankfully. Next week is finals, then I'm free for three weeks! Woo Hoo!

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