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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Just Call Me Dumb

So instead of paying my t-mobile last month, I paid the money for t-mobile to the electric company.

I talked to t-mobile and got that bill current, thankfully there were no overage charges, and I talked to the electric company and found out that the money will take until January to get back to me if I want to request it to be sent to me. So I told them to just leave it on the account.

This was a substantial amount - so I just learned I don't have to pay my electric bill through May, at least... because the money is already paid. I'm not sure if this makes me feel good or sad because I will be putting less money on my credit card this month due to the mix up.

My lesson in all this: pay close attention to which bill I'm paying. I'm happy it didn't cause me any financial difficulties though.

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