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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Patellar Tendenitis

Patellar tendenitis - that's what I was diagnosed with yesterday. When I was little I was diagnosed with it once too, though since then the problem has been gone. What is it? It happens to people who jump, squat or do other similar motions often, particularly if something about their leg alignment is off a little. The tendon going to my knee is inflammed and causes it to be in pain when I do certain things (like squat, go up stairs, sit with it bent for long times, and sometimes even when I just walk). For me, it started at the zoo because of all the squating and walking and sitting and stuff that I do all day long over and over. I should have gone to a doctor months ago, but I didn't and now it's really not doing so good. It's because I tend to walk on my arches. So I bought arch supports and need to not do so much active stuff for a while. Yeah. Right. Seeing as how I work at the zoo today, tomorrow and thursday plus this entire weekend, that'll be a stretch.

I also have anti-inflammatories and am supposed to ice my knee off and on all day. That's easier to do.

Don't worry, this is nothing major. Just something I'll have to live with and deal with by taking extra good care of myself. :)

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