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Saturday, November 25, 2006


I did my study skin for my mammology class today, and let me tell you - it was disgusting. I notice sometimes that I have a weaker stomach than I used to have for such things, and tonight was no exception. Though cute on the outside (well, except that he was dead) his insides were anything but cute. Unfortunately the car (or cars) that hit him mashed him up well and ripped huge holes in his body cavity walls. This made some portions particularly disgusting - especially the part where the intestines were ripped open. All the more unhelpful was the fact that instead of it taking 2-3 hours like I had planned, it actually took 3.5-4 hours, as removing the skin from the mashed body cavities was extremely difficult. So not only was it gross, but I haven't gotten any time to do anything else I had planned to do tonight.

Story of my life.

But on the upside, the squirrel is mostly done and all major body parts are intact. I have a leg to sew back on partially, along with a couple of holes to sew up and then he's completed. I could do that now, but I am all squirrel-ed out, and therefore refuse to do it until tomorrow. I also refuse to try to do any more homework tonight.

So what am I going to do?

Go lay down in my bed (I have a bed frame now!), read harry potter, and then turn in early. I work at 6 am tomorrow. Woo... hoo...

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