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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ever feel like it's just too much?

That's what I feel like right now - that everything going in my life is just too much. Right now I currently work 30 hours a week, have class full time, and go to the zoo 2 weekends a month and one 1/2 day during the week. Until this last week I wasn't doing the zoo during the week, because I felt like it would just be overloading myself.

And guess what?

I think I may be right. Right now I've already gotten off from work a few hours early both last week and this week, but now with the thought of going down there I already feel exhausted. I'm not sure if it's really too much or if I just need to get more used to it. I would go back to not going during the week, but then I'll lose my internship (they already threatened me if I didn't go during the week, which is why I am now going during the week). I totally understand their point of view - they need us to be there weekly, to keep up on what's happening at the zoo and everything. And I want to be there that much.. in face, I'd love to be there more. But with everything I have going on, I just feel overwhelmed.

I'll get through it though. I have to. I'll just take one thing at a time. And right now, that one thing is going and getting gas and then going to the zoo. I hope I don't have to clean primates again.

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