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Thursday, November 30, 2006

too tired for a title

... manchmal vergesse ich, wie viel ich Deutschland vermisse, bis ich wieder Radio Salü höre, ein Buch auf Deutsch lese oder deutsch sprechen...

... sometimes i forget how much i miss germany until i listen to Radio Salü (a radio station from where I studied in Germany), read a book in german, or speak german...

this week has been stressful. I took a test this morning where I had to know 70 latin species names for mammals (did you know a striped skunk is Mephitis mephitis? And don't forget my favorite: Urocyon cinereoargenteus which is a common gray fox), plus all of the other stuff we've done that sememster and be able to identify a skull and/or a skin and tell you it's respective species name. It was really really hard and I also studied really really hard. I studied so hard I dreamt about studying.

Then today I worked...came home and have been working hard on my gorilla project. My paper is almost complete and will be finished and turned in tomorrow! I'm excited that it's down... it didn't turn out completely as expected, but it was definitely a learning experience!

Next week I have a paper and presentation to give and the week after is finals.. then I'm "free" for three weeks... which really means I'm working, have the zoo to go to, and will be doing research for my next big project - a comparison fo conservation policies in Germany and the US, due at the end of next semester and about 50 pages long.

My life - it's so exciting.

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