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Friday, November 24, 2006

It was a success

Thanksgiving was a hit. My mom, step dad, sister and brother in law came up to my apartment where we had thanksgiving dinner for the first time. I made the bird and the salad, both of which were great! The rest was made my my mom and sister and quite yummy. Then we spent the night at a hotel, swimming and playing Uno.

Today we visited and went out to lunch before they headed home and I had to go to work. There were no work orders to do at work today, so except a few phone calls I spent my evening learning the scientific names and their respective looks and skulls for my test on Wednesday. That means from here on out I need to learn 10 more a day to know them all for my test next week. I also wrote the rest of my methods section on my Gorilla Project paper and started the data analysis and discussion sections.

Tomorrow I work, then I am doing my study skin of a squirrel, studying for my test and writting more of my paper. I'm actually on top of things for once... it feels nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a great Thanksgiving! :D