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Thursday, November 09, 2006

My Own Stupidity

I hate it when my own stupidity costs me money...

Both cars that I have owned have had problems with their blinkers, and until now neither of my cars had blinkers which really worked. After spending a lot of money to get them fixed back in the end of September, my left blinker recently stopped blinking. I thought, gee - I just spent a lot of money on that, why isn't it working again? And I made an appointment to get it checked out.

So there I sat this morning at the auto shop, waiting on how much my car is going to cost me, when the guy comes out and tells me that my tail lights had been out. That's why the left blinker wasn't working...it was a sign that my lights needed to be changed.

I paid them $15 to replace my lights. I could have done that myself. But did it occur to me that maybe the lights just need to be replaced? Of course not...

I hate when my own stupidity costs me money.

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